Dear Sony Fan Boy:

Posted by PhantomModerator4 on Nov. 12, 2006, 4:54 p.m.

Reasons why you should get a Wii:

1. The Wii lets you almost literally get into your games.

A. Madden 07 will let you actually throw the controller to pass the ball.

B. In the legend of Zelda, you actually have to use the controller like a sword.

C. In Driving games you acually steer your car.

D. In FPS's say good bye to useing 2 analog sticks. You just use your controller as a gun.

2. You can play Games from the NES, SNES, N64, Sega Genesis, and Turbo Graphic 16. (with means you canplay Sonic the hedgehog.)

3. The wii is the smallest. No more finiding places to store your system. The wii is the smallest next gen. council.

4. The wii has the best launch titles, and the most launch titles

A.Call of Duty 3

B.Legend of Zelda: Twilight princess

C. Exite Truck

D. Metroid Prime 3

E. Red steel

F.Tony Hawk

G.Dragon Quest

H. Madden 07

I. Super Monkey ball

J.Metal slug Anthology

K. trauma center

L. Elibits

M.Marvel ultimate alliance


O. Raven Raving Rabbits

5. The Wii has the most third party support.

Even thought the game cube had no support at all, the wii is getting all the attention this generation.

6. The wii is only $250.00. Don't waste your money on a $600.00 system that has no good games. The ps3 will eventually go down your toilet.

7. Karma will get your.

You will realise that you wasted all your life saveings and you will cry on the streets playing the best game for it, Barbie hose adventures.

8. Nintendo has done good latly, you sonny fan boy,

Most of there good games that are going to come out, are on the wii.

Sony hasn't done good lately.

A. Play station poop The PSP is an insult to sony. Yesterday I heard

Bullies using PSP as an insult.

B. Sony has never once made a good game.


Well Sony Fan boy, have you learned your lesson?

Don't waste your money on your preciouses PS3, I got an idea! Go to school.


WaleedAmer 18 years, 3 months ago

Wii FTW!

Acid 18 years, 3 months ago

I like Nintendo and Sony and I am definitely going to get a Wii. From my point of view the Wii is the best "Next Generation" system, but this list of reasons to buy a Wii is way too biased, doesn't point out the best things about the system, tries to take low blows at a fellow company in the videogame world, and has grammatical errors. :)

aeron 18 years, 3 months ago

^^agrees with metalgearacid^^

Omega_Squid 18 years, 3 months ago

Wii are the champions…

mixahman 18 years, 3 months ago

I'm just getting the wii for the new Zelda, SSBB, Mario Galaxy & the old school games I love… that's it! the rest of the Nintendo line up is probably crap, maybe in the distant future they might actually create something decent to play.

the PS3 is too lame for words & I'm not wasting my time on it!

Arcalyth 18 years, 3 months ago

A. Madden 07 will let you actually throw the controller to pass the ball.

Yay, broken equipment!


B. In the legend of Zelda, you actually have to use the controller like a sword.

<del>Melee</del> Fat people beware!

3. The wii is the smallest. No more finiding places to store your system. The wii is the smallest next gen. council.

The Wii eliminates law!

The ps3 will eventually go down your toilet.

The PS3 is too big for my toilet :<

7. Karma will get your.

Karma will get my what? Money? Looks? Food? THE HUMANITY! I MUST KNOW!

Yesterday I heard Bullies using PSP as an insult.

That is truly ROFLMFAO worthy. Seriously.

B. Sony has never once made a good game.

That's a matter of opinion.

Yay wii ^_^ PS3 is overhyped. Just like iPods.

Arcalyth 18 years, 3 months ago

and, I agree with Chiken.

poultry 18 years, 3 months ago

Once again, go phuck a camel.

Extravisual 18 years, 3 months ago

Supporters of the Wii are subjects to propaganda, as with supporters of iPods. Now, I'm not saying the PS3 is better, because they are all absolute shit.

squeakyreaper 18 years, 3 months ago

I want the Wii, but that list is horrible. I can think of quite a few non-biased reasons the Wii is better, but almost as many for the PS3.