[dat=3-D Tutorial] lol I took Raz Gamez idea for a 3-D tutorial.:P except mines going to be 4 parts too! :o 1. Setting up your world 2. Movement and FPS application 3. Super model edition(modeling)4. Extending d3d<a href="http://host-a.net/odetron/3-D%20Tutorial%20Part%201.rtf">Download Download NOW!</a>__________________________________________________________________[/dat][dat=Fluffy Kitty!]omg lol this video is funny waitch it!!<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvIKwyXEwgc">link</a>its funny.__________________________________________________________________[/dat][dat=umm its pixle-lisiouse!]<u>Yesterdays answer</u>Luigi's Mansion(GCN)<u>Todays pixle perfect</u><a href="http://imageshack.us"><img src="http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/1513/pixleperfect4mr7.png" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" /></a>[/dat]and whoever owns that white sedan you still haven't turned your lights off…[/dat]
I hate you. I was going to use Holy (something), Batman! for all my blog titles from now on, since my "Holy Flying Turnips, Batman!" blog.
But now you seem to have stolen it.>=[Hmmmm… It looks like you have stolen my idea about the 3D tutorial…[:O]
This guy is just a wannabe, eh?
Stealing people's ideas, and selling them as his own!WOE IS ME.well i thought of it first. >:(