First game developer nightmare!

Posted by Phoebii on April 21, 2015, 1:13 p.m.

I had a dream that I uploaded Sector Six to Desura and it got 0% rating. There was bunch of comments that contained valuable feedback but I couldn't read and reply to them, because I needed to pay Desura 4.99$ for full developer support! I couldn't read reviews and I couldn't understand why it got such horrible rating. Oh yeah, I actually did read one of those nightmare comments, it was troll comment who said false things about my game. The horror!

Guess I am slowly becoming into real developer. I had gamer dreams before, but this is first game development related horrible dream!

Did you guys ever had developer nightmares?


Taizen Chisou 9 years, 9 months ago

I usually have good dreams. For instance, I once booted Chaos Weapon while in a dream and experienced a whole bunch of new graphical effects and particle animations. Also I was trying to play the ending cinematic for some reason. Shrug