Echo #1

Posted by Phoebii on Aug. 9, 2015, 5:27 a.m.

'Ello all!

From now on, every Sunday I'll post a news article, echo, in which I'll write what I've done with Sector Six!

I've decided to do it, because I felt I wasn't active enough.

This week I have…

Updated options interface, now you can adjust both sound and music levels.

Updated results interface.

Updated level up interface, now leveling up is much faster.

Added few new achievements. Currently there are 20 achievements.

Reworked binary. Binary is now called pyramid, it no longer splits and reflects lasers.

Next week I'm planning…

Polish map, spaceship, achievement and settings interfaces.

While not developing Sector Six…

I was playing Beyond Good and Evil. It's fantastic game, has amazingly good story, gameplay and atmosphere! 100% recommended.

Watch new video!
