*Echo #28: Armoured colony seeker

Posted by Phoebii on March 6, 2016, 4:51 p.m.

This week I was working on the new boss!

It was very challenging!

First, I had to fix evasive problem with enemy segments.

Turns out enemy segments weren't scaling with level.

Secondly, my idea of making armoured colony seeker have a lot of breakable segments didn't work. No matter how many segments I added, it didn't made boss fight fun enough.

Then I decided to add just few segments and change how armoured colony seeker looks.

Then I caught nasty virus! No, not computer virus.

It took me out of development for two days.

After I got back from hospital, the boss development has turned into painful code-test-scrap-repeat cycle.

I have made new sprite for the armoured colony seeker and then began working on it's abilities and breakable segments.

Segments kept getting in wrong positions, abilities kept being too punishing or not exciting and so on.

But despite these problems, boss should be finished by the end of next week!

Now, I feel a need to thank the awesome people, who play my game, read my echos and leave good comments about Sector Six!

It really helps me to work!

As long as I have so many cool people supporting my game, I can do anything!

So, thank you all for support and until next week!

PS.: Yes, the boss is called armoured colony seeker.


flashback 8 years, 6 months ago

*Echo 28