Echo #N/A: Bad news

Posted by Phoebii on March 20, 2016, 4:33 p.m.

Bad news!

Due to bad financial situation of my family, I might have to get a job.

For few months or longer.

That means like two hours of Sector Six development per day max, which will postpone beta, Greenlight and basically everything.

​Theoretically I could start IndieGoGo campaign and push job away for few months.

If I could get few months, I could prepare Sector Six for commercial releases.

And with game being sold, maybe I would be able to avoid job.

But I hate having to beg people for money, especially because I know my campaign would suck.

So, if I'll get a job, I'll try to develop on my free time and start selling game as soon as possible.

If I won't, I'll start IndieGoGo campaign and hope for the best.

Continuing with bad news!

I quit school. Well, it's actually good news, more time for everything.

Except that now I might have to go to army, which would postpone Sector Six completely for like 9 months. Becoming a trained guy before world war 3.0 is not awesome either.

Also, I'm still not done with the boss.

Because I had to fix my computer again, because boss had nasty glitch I couldn't fix for some time, because making boss guardians takes so much time, because abilities for boss and guardians had to be remade several times, because…

I know this sounds pretty bad. Especially after all those echoes saying that everything is going great.

Things change creepily quickly.

Anyway, armoured colony seeker is going to be best boss I have ever made.

And that means it's going to be pretty good!

This week I spent a lot of time working on second boss guardian, gatherer.

Gatherer is pretty interesting enemy, it has a lot of armour, but most of it can be chipped away by destroying segments.

So, uh, until next week, maybe I'll have better news next time!


Gift of Death 8 years, 6 months ago

Ew, mandatory military service <.<

Hope you can sort your things out though.

Jani_Nykanen 8 years, 6 months ago

Except that now I might have to go to army, which would postpone Sector Six completely for like 9 months. Becoming a trained guy before world war 3.0 is not awesome either.
I'm pretty sure if there wasn't Putinheim Russia most European countries would get rid of mandatory military service. I hate it, too, and that's why I decided I'll choose civilian service/non-military service. Too bad it lasts 11 months, but at least I get some precious work experience (it's pretty valuable in today's Finland where finding a job is like finding gold in a river).

Anyway, that's how life works: it rarely lets you do what you want. It wants you to have some useless degree and shitty job you never wanted to have. Oh, and finding a job without a degree… that usually means either selling berries or cleaning parks. Hooray. Why don't the world let us - the creative people - do what we want to do: create stuff…?

Like Gift of Death said, let's hope you can sort out your things. I wish you good luck.