Echo #36: Upcoming combat update

Posted by Phoebii on May 22, 2016, 1:57 p.m.

Mission IV has been released and now I am preparing to work on the next update.

Next update is focused on combat!

Currently there are several problems with combat that I want to fix.

1st problem. There's not enough abilities.

2nd problem. Ether is still barely useful. Currently it's only used for three abilities.

3rd problem. Most abilities does not do anything when unleashed.

4th problem. Mastery attribute gives too big boost to unleash chances.

5th problem. Parts that increase maximum ether are useless.

6th problem. New enemies aren't as good as older ones.

7th problem. There could be more enemies.

8th problem. Scion and gatherer teleport attacks are frustrating.

9th problem. It's possible to avoid all enemy attacks by going back.

I'm planning to fix some of these problems by adding new strong abilities with high ether cost and long cooldowns, that become even more powerful when unleashed.

Apocalypse class will get Sustained Barrage ability, which will continue launching seeking missiles at enemies as long as you have ether. Unleashed Sustained Barrage will turn into Infinite Barrage, which will keep launching seeking missiles every 3 seconds until the end of mission.

Carrier will have Mine Mayhem, which will make your spaceship launch mines for 15 seconds. Unleashed Mine Mayhem will also release release mines from destroyed enemies. Mine Mayhem mines will detonate automatically when near enemies.

There will be more abilities like that!

Strong abilities demand strong enemies, so I will add new veteran level enemies and new weaker enemies, that will appear in groups of 2-4. Currently veteran is the strongest enemy in game, but that is going to change, because I'll add dreadnought!

So, yeah, I got a lot of work!

Until next week!

PS.: If you have ability/enemy suggestions, I'm ready to hear them.

PPS.: Next update is all about new enemies and abilities because several people voted for new abilities and enemies on Trello.
