Echo #37: New abilities

Posted by Phoebii on May 29, 2016, 4:32 p.m.

This week I couldn’t work on the game as much as I wanted, but I still managed to do some of the things planned for the combat update.

I have added Sustained Barrage, Mine Mayhem and Heavy Shield abilities.

Sustained Barrage was inspired by Hearthstone's forbidden spells. I really liked how they work, so I wanted to have something like that in Sector Six. For every 5 ether player has, Sustained Barrage releases seeking missile. If Sustained Barrage is unleashed, player spaceship will start releasing one seeking missile every three seconds, for no ether cost and that will last until the end of the mission. I'm really proud of Sustained Barrage and I hope players will like to use it.

Mine Mayhem instantly fills screen with mines! While Mine Mayhem is active, detonated mines will release from one to three smaller mines, that doesn't need to be detonated.

Heavy Shield is second shielding ability in game, I'm planning to make two more in future. Heavy Shield stays 3 seconds longer, but has slightly higher cooldown than Unstable Shield. Heavy Shield also doesn't deal damage to enemies. Instead, Heavy Shield increases ether gained on kill while active. The only downside is that Heavy Shield reduces spaceship movement speed.

Besides new abilities, I have done few smaller things. I have relocated effect timers, increased damage of Unstable Shield ability, decreased Assemble Obelisk ability ether cost to 10, improved ability descriptions and nerfed armour gained on kill. From now on parts will give 50% less armour on kill. This was done so I can add effective repairing abilities.

That's all I've done this week, hopefully I'll have more time to work on Sector Six next week.
