Echo #39: Upcoming graphical update

Posted by Phoebii on June 12, 2016, 4:04 p.m.

Next update is dedicated to make game look and feel better!

It's going to be large update, that I was planning to do for long time.

In this echo I will write about things planned for this update.

Better backgrounds

Players wanted better backgrounds ever since I released alpha version of the game.

New backgrounds will have parallax effect, they will be more colorful, more detailed and will have special effects like distant explosion flashes, slowly moving comets and other cool things.

Better animations

Existing animations will be improved and there will be new animations for building ship, upgrading abilities and entering/leaving regions.

Interface improvements

Some interfaces will be improved to look better or provide more information. Huge changes to main menu, level up interface and credits.


Impulse will be Sector Six newspaper/space Twitter!

For example, when player will complete mission and secure Colowis region, during next mission Impulse will broadcast: Victory in Colowis: The Mechanism Bearer secures another region

Impulse will react to various player actions and events that are supposedly happening in the regions:

Crisis in Mzenim

New ruler of Eolutch: I will do everything to preserve the peace

Tridenkor will aid the Negati Armada in Wacar campaign

Commander Lodeion: This war is not lost yet

Dreadnoughts spotted in Scrambler Belt

End of alpha

This update will take me at least month to make, but after it, game will no longer be alpha!

If you have suggestions how to make game feel better, I am ready to hear them.

Until next time!
