Echo #51: Mission overview

Posted by Phoebii on Sept. 18, 2016, 5:18 p.m.

This week I have began working modular difficulty system.

First thing I have to do is to make mission overview screen and I have spent this week trying to make it.

Yes, whole week for one interface.

In my defense, it's really hard to make interface that's both informative and looks cool. That is exactly what I want from mission overview.

Modular difficulty system is big, complex, awesome thing and I need to show that in mission overview screen.

I need something cool to represent it, hopefully I'll get that next week.

I'm about a week away from being able to update game with one of the most ambitious features, so I figured I'll write shorter echo this week and work longer on the game!

​Until next week! Or game update!


Phoebii 8 years, 4 months ago

I mostly copy>paste>adjust.

Result is "hand-drawn" interfaces. Well, my whole game is like this.

I had to adjust almost every element in the game, almost nothing is automated.

Many professional developers make mistake of automating and planning everything, resulting in lifeless game.

E.g.: "Areas in our game will be rectangular, with 1 hub town, 50 monsters around the area, 2 dungeons, 3 bosses, 5 sub-bosses, 1 main story quest, 8 side quests…"

Models, enemies, quests might be very varied, but the pattern remains the same until the end of the game and that kills it for me.

MMO's are severely suffering from this.

And I think that Undertale is good example of "hand-drawn" game.

Phoebii 8 years, 4 months ago

I'm getting somewhere…

The Eye of the Abyss.