Echo #67: Gauntlet and other things

Posted by Phoebii on April 3, 2017, 2:07 p.m.

'Ello all!

For few days I had no access to my PC, so there's not a lot of news.

Last week I was working on the graphical update.

I've been trying to improve Sector Six backgrounds again.

The good news is that the background and clouds are moving in interfaces - like in old Sector Six versions.

The bad news is that right now I'm struggling with region entering and leaving. For some reason, backgrounds jump forward when entering regions.

It seems that I will have to spend more time fixing that than I would like to.

Anyway, this week I will work on new options for combat and new side missions.

I am going to add an option to make the game really easy. It will reduce enemy armour and damage by 50%.

With easy mode enabled, you will also gain more XP from enemy kills.

You will also be able to entirely turn off XP gaining.

Recently I have received some complaints about a lack of mission variety, so I have decided to throw in some unique side missions!

There will three of them: Gauntlet, heroic gauntlet and speed run.


You will have to destroy a certain amount of enemies.

During this mission, alloy containers, armour on kill and repairing abilities will not work!

Heroic gauntlet:

Just like the regular gauntlet, except that it will last as long as you can survive and every kill will award glory.

The more glory you have, the greater is the reward!

Big enemies will give more glory.

During heroic gauntlet, you will also encounter dark pillars.

Dark pillars will allow you to summon big enemies for additional glory.

Speed run:

During speed run, you will have to destroy one of every enemy.

One swarmling, one mosaic, one veteran, etc.

The faster you will destroy enemies, the better reward you will get.

That's all I have for this echo, time to do some heavy coding =]

Until next time!
