Delaying Inevitable 2017 (Just an idea)

Posted by Phoebii on July 2, 2017, 4:33 p.m.

As Jani has noticed, this looks sad.

No surprise I guess, with no new users, 64Digits will stop being active at all some time in future.

While we still have few users, how about we delay the inevitable heat death and make this site look less dead =P

Competitions seem to make 64Digits more alive, so how about we - or me - start another wacky competition.

Because we're lazy or busy or both, instead of making quality competition, let's make quantity competition!

The goal is to produce as much content as possible to fill up that activity bar.

Art, games, random crap, everything is accepted.

Bonus points if you drag some old member from under a rug (where you obviously keep them) and make it join the competition too.

2x bonus for creating "64Digits EXISTS!!!" post on other sites.

No spam, but everything dangerously close to that is accepted?

Time - 1 week.

Reward - no idea. I mean how to measure commitment to this, uh, "competition"?

By +1 pressed on blogs?

ALTERNATIVELY, we could do nothing. Works for me. I'm a lazy and busy introvert, I hate doing things.

OR if this is too innovative (this word haunts me even if im asleep) we can have just typical 64Digits competition.


twisterghost 7 years, 6 months ago

I always want to produce more content for the site. Unfortunately, between work, projects and spending time with loved ones, I only have so much free time.

That said, I believe my final post on this site is still a long way out.

Phoebii 7 years, 6 months ago

Okay, then I'll need 4 Lord souls.

Jani_Nykanen 7 years, 6 months ago

Don't worry, Zuurix, we can keep this place alive together. You'll post Sector Six updates and I'll post some brutal Goofy erotic artwork funny drawings and blogs without content.

Jani_Nykanen 7 years, 6 months ago

I didn't mean that by "blogs without content", just those blogs that are collections of things that has happened in my life and thoughts on life. Not much content compared to project devlogs, just blogs to start some minor conversations.

Acid 7 years, 6 months ago

Here's my content:

Jani_Nykanen 7 years, 6 months ago

@Mr. Raccoon Guy

Don't you worry. I'm too lazy to post too often. Or even often enough sometimes. A blog once a week or two, that's it.