Echo #80: Back to big questions

Posted by Phoebii on Aug. 21, 2017, 3:42 a.m.

This week I was preparing the game for translation.

A large part of it is done, but there's still a lot to go.

What I am doing is putting chunks of text out of the game into one external file.

While doing that, I did a few improvements to the game.

All regions will have shops now, so every region will be worthy of securing.

The highlight is two new amplifier shops in Archmist and Pulsar Vector if I remember right.

I have also improved ability tooltips and corrected few errors in ability descriptions.

Finally, the reflect chance will now be capped at 80%, reduced from 90%.

Anyway, it's been a while since I have asked big questions.

I've got some feedback since, so I feel ready to reveal my decisions.

1) Should I decrease maximum part limit from 80 to 70?

I have decided to decrease it just before game leaves Early Access.

2) Should I nerf The Decision difficulty modifier? If yes, how much?

Players didn't seem to like very long missions, so I have left just 1 level of The Decision that doubles mission length.

3) Should I delete all saves and reset leaderboards when the game will leave Early Access?

Saves from Early Access will not work in post-Early Access game version, but everyone will have access to a game version where the old saves will still work.

I think that's a good compromise between erasing hours of playing and having to support saves from all game versions.

Not having to worry about old saves is a big relief to me.

4) Should I release all story missions in one update, or should I release a mission, whenever I'm done with it?

I will try to release a story mission every 1-2 weeks - it seems that it's what my players want.

5) How is the part sets?

I have decided to reduce the number of parts required to activate part set to 6.

There's still time to give your answer to big questions, so if you have any thoughts, let me know!

Until next time!

PS.: Here's a screenshot of Sector Six ability interface translated to * language:


Phoebii 7 years, 1 month ago

PPS.: *nods to twisterghost*