Echo #107: Vendor rework, new endgame activity, feedback

Posted by Phoebii on Dec. 11, 2018, 6:06 a.m.

Recent discounts have increased player count by a lot of and I've got a lot of feedback.

Because all of that, I decided to do one more big update - with so many sales and positive reviews, I think Sector Six earned it =]

The development of this update has begun with proper sell all/dismantle all/uninstall all button confirmations.

This should prevent accidental selling/dismantling of valuable items, and is possibly faster than previous system - no need to wait for "Cancel" time to run out.

The next thing I did was a vendor rework.

Clicking on a secured region instantly opens vendor interface, and the interface was merged with spaceship building interface - now it's possible to dismantle/install/uninstall/compare parts and alloy containers while trading.

The other change is that now it's not possible to visit the same vendor again until you complete a mission.

This was done because it would very easy to connect and disconnect to vendors to generate new stock for free - and the game needs that unit sink.

Also, it makes having multiple secured regions with the same vendor type useful.

Overall, I think it's a large improvement to the whole trading experience, and I can't wait to release it.

Now I will be working on a new endgame activity - Absolute Deterioration.

The feedback I got about this, suggests that players who make it to max level are so powerful, that no current content is challenging to them.

Absolute Deterioration will change that.

This endgame activity will have players to do an endless mission, in which enemies keep getting stronger.

The current plan is to make enemies spawn every time there's no more of them left.

E.g.: You destroy heavy and veteran spawn in its place immediately - there are no pauses, combat is constant.

After you destroy a certain amount of enemy groups, a new wave begins and enemy power increases.


  • Wave 1 - Enemy armor and damage is multiplied by 2
  • Wave 2 - Enemy armor and damage is multiplied by 3
  • Wave 3 - Enemy armor and damage is multiplied by 4.5
  • Wave 4 - Enemy armor and damage is multiplied by 6.7
  • Wave 5 - Enemy armor and damage is multiplied by 10.1

This goes on forever until you are destroyed or extract.

Not sure about how extracting will work right now, but probably you'll be able to press R anytime during the mission and it will end.

The more waves you survive, the higher chance you'll have of getting one of Absolute Deterioration relics after you extract.


  • Waves survived: 1 - 2% relic chance
  • Waves survived: 2 - 3% relic chance
  • Waves survived: 3 - 5% relic chance
  • Waves survived: 4 - 7% relic chance
  • Waves survived: 5 - 11% relic chance
  • Waves survived: 6 - 17% relic chance
  • Waves survived: 7 - 25% relic chance

There will be 6 Absolute Deterioration exclusive relics, with the possibility of more being added in future.

Oesa's Fallback, Auxiliary Core:

After armor drops to 0, Core will give you 3 seconds to restore it, before spaceship is destroyed.

Stolen, Hidden, Forgotten, Lost:

This relic will increase relic limit by 2, so +1 extra relic, besides itself.

Flame Network, Redirection Sockets:

Flame Network will turn deflected enemy projectiles into seeking missiles that deal 100% weapon damage.

Physical Correlation System:

This relic increases weapon damage based on how many projectiles there are on screen - making certain abilities stronger, and certain enemies weaker.

Radiance And Blight, Aberrant Alliance:

This relic will allow you to have both Oesa's Radiance and Kithalia's Blight set effects active.

Circle of Cruelty, Magnetar Chain:

-40% damage reduction, -10% armor from all minions in the mission.

One more thing about Absolute Deterioration: To start it, you'll need to max out all difficulty modifiers.

So yeah, that will be the most brutal content I ever created.

I'll also address smaller things based on feedback:

  • Add language select button controller support.
  • Make Flurry and Unload abilities benefit from Rapid Fire Mode ability.
  • Extend highlight options.
  • Add an option to "favorite" parts, making them impossible to sell.
  • Reduce the time it takes to fail the mission.
  • Reduce the time it takes to resurrect during resurrection missions.
  • Speed up evolving.
  • Make highlighting easier to use.
  • Allow inverting LS with DPAD.
  • Allow mouse binding for ability slots 1 and 2.

I'm also investigating other issues, such as repetitiveness or story mission difficulty, so keep feedback going =]

Hope this looks good, until next time!
