Yay, i'm going camping this weekend. which is really cool because we go almost every year. theres tons of people that go. and we have a nice lake, a great spot for some ctf at night. and some awesome fishing spots. They have a basketball hoop, and even a vollyball setup with sand. But it kinda sucks. Were going all weekend. and normally its cool, but this time its even better cuase i'm bringing a freind. so we can go fish have the weekend away. I love fishing. But yea, i'll have a great report on the weekend come sunday. so if you enjoy reading long storys about random trips. check back sunday!
And who are you again?
Be careful, if you see a volcano erupt do the proper technique : Duck and Cover
and if you find yourself on lava, remember: Stop Drop and Roll
And if you have a sammich, don't eat it, or else…
sk8, that's not the proper techinque… DO A BARREL ROLL!
The lava can't see you if you don't move!rofl@south park lava reference