How do you guys do it?

Posted by Picc84 on Oct. 14, 2008, 2:23 p.m.

I have began to realize something! And Im happy its starting to click! I finally realized why I don't finish any of my games. Most of us here (possibily all of us) are here for the programming. I mean, some do graphics, some do sounds, etc, but most do programming. My problem is, I have my programming, but Never my graphics or sounds. So heres my question, How do you guys always get your graphics or sounds? I know I don't see allot of "completed" or even good "wip's" here but I do see allot with some graphics that arnt horrible drew in MSP by a programmer who hasnt opening MSP sense he was 6 and learned he could paint!


Anyone film? I have a crappy little hand held DXG 3.0MP video camera, that I wan't to strap to my fire helmet to take video's of when we have fire's. (I'm a vol. firefighter) The only concern I have is what the footage is going to look like with all the color contrast between hot fire and cold dark rooms, aswell as how the motion of a head (helmet… rather) will look on camera. We don't get allot of fire's, so i can't just go out and expirement today… Figured I'd ask.


[deleted user] 16 years, 4 months ago

If you can't do graphics, keep everything simplistic, as long as you have a basic grasp of objects shapes and colour-schemes, symbolism can go a long way.

I've seen that there are a lot of artists/musicians out there looking for coders, or even people that could do all of it, but lend a hand in one specific area. I don't think you'll find them unless you ask though.

ESA 16 years, 4 months ago

I create my own graphics. Tutorials help. I guess keeping things simple does as well. s's creations are a good examples of effective and minimal graphics. My favorite would be this

JW 16 years, 4 months ago

code graphics