Spritesheet game idea

Posted by Pirate-rob on Nov. 16, 2013, 5:38 a.m.

Toast got me with his blog :P

Ok, so since midway through the compeletition I've been messing with dll and made a game, I then scrapped put that game on hiatus and reworked it's engine to make another game. Images:

Char select

gameplay: currently just waves of enemies

About half the sprites are temp

So, the reason I think this game is different to most is that if I finished (Really trying not to run to other projects) and people play it, then anyone who plays it can submit characters using a sprite template like this:

There'll obviously be a limit to how powerful a character can be to keep things balanced. I originally got this whole Idea when I was browsing deviantart (never again… T.T) and I saw that some people made art called "pixel id" which is kinda like mock fighters for a brawling game (I think). So seeing that, I decided to make a game where artists could contribute with out needing to know any coding.

So there Toast :P


Taizen Chisou 11 years, 2 months ago

So it's kind of like Build-A-Bear (except with warriors) The Top-Down Kill Stuff Game Version? I like it.

panzercretin 11 years, 2 months ago

This could be really, really cool if it gets off the ground. Please make this, I'll make your first custom character.

Pirate-rob 11 years, 2 months ago

Thanks. I'm fully committed to making this game seeing that I finally have my off year from school.