The Cult of The Great Duckieness (collaborative writing project)

Posted by Powerful Kyurem on Nov. 29, 2013, 9:26 p.m. 🔒

For about a year and a half now, me and a few others from the GMC have been writing a story. Its not exactly good literature, but I think its about time it spreads its wings (lol), and tests the waters (lol).

I present:


Wiki link:

GMC Topic link:


Part 1

THE BEGINNING by Lawsome1997

In the beginning there was Duck, and only Duck. And Duck looked upon the world and she saw nothing, for there was no world, only a space where a world should be. A space for stars, and planets and people and cats and dogs and all other things. And Duck said, “No.â€? for this will not do. And in the space where stars should be, and the space where planets should be, and the space where people and cats and dogs and all other things should be, she created Ducks. She created Ducks in her own image that filled the cracks and nooks and crannies of the no longer empty universe.

Then she looked again, and said, “No.â€? for this will not do, and she removed the ducks and instead created, in the space where stars should be, and the space where planets should be, and the place where people and cats and dogs should be. All things. She created the world and universe and everything we see in it. And then, finally, after she had done all that. She created Ducks. Ducks that travelled around the globe and spread joy and goodness. And for a while, that was good


Since the dawn of time, there was a Mighty Pickle, the only creature equally powerful as the Great Duck. It woke up from the deep sleep, and wasn't satisfied with what it saw. It saw the beautiful world, with goodness and joy. The world excellent and amazing. And he wasn't happy. The quacking of Ducks didn't let him sleep. So it called it's sister, the Great Duck, and said.

"Remove the Ducks from your universe, they annoy me."

"I will not remove the Ducks, they are too awesome."

"But they don't let me sleep, and I need a lot of sleep to look badass."

"I shall not remove my epic creations just because you want to sleep."

"I shall punish you for that."

"I doubt you could possibly do anything that could make me regret my decision. Bring it on!"

"So be it", said the Great Pickle, and he created the Pickles.

"Nooooo!", the Great Duck replied.

THE TALE OF ST.MARK by Lawsome1997

On the world that Duck had created there was a man named Mark. And Mark was a good man, but poor and needy. He worked for hours to bring goodness and life to the world, and in his altruism had nothing left. The Dutch were an angry people, and refused to help him. “But please!â€? he exclaimed “I’ve nothing left! For I gave it all to a homeless man on the street!â€?. And the man said, “Really?â€?

And St. Mark said, “Yes. And if you could spare a dime perhaps I’ll be able to get back on my feetâ€?


And the door was slammed on Mark's face.

He crawled through the streets and the town until he came to a park, and in the park was a bench. And it was there he slept the night, and the wood was hard and cold, and the people pointed and stared, and the seagulls pooped on him once or twice. But St. Mark was a stoic man, and he persevered.

Meanwhile, the great Duck had grown tired of merely watching her work, he saw a world that was cold and shallow, a world without creativity. She needed to fix us. And when she saw St. Mark, sleeping alone in the cold. She knew what he had to do.

In his dreams, St. Mark saw something beautiful, a duck so vast and wonderful it was beyond any word in the dictionary; it was extrordifying. And Duck said to Mark, “I love you. My child. And I have chosen you to give the gift of creativity to the worldâ€?

And Mark said to Duck, “What the f*ck?â€?

And Duck said to Mark “I am Duck, I am she who created this world, and it is you who I have chosen to bring creativity to the world.â€?

“You look delicious, can I eat you?â€?

“What?! No! You may not eat me, you cannot, I am immortal!â€?

“But you look so tasty!â€?

“No. You are not allowed to eat me! Now shut up and let me give you the gift of knowledge.â€?


“NO BUTS. Now, you will make a software, a software so beautiful it will defy human comprehension.â€?

“What will it be?â€?

“It will be a tool, a tool called Game Maker, and you will spread it around the world.â€?

“What will it do?â€?

And Duck explained to St.Mark everything that Game Maker will do. And when Mark awoke, he was a different man. He went on to found a company called YoyoGames. And he spread happiness around the world.

And it was good.

THE PROPHET by Lukasmah

THE WEREDUCK by Lukasmah



MASTER D4RknEZz by Lukasmah

MR. SQUAWK by Ddawg




Part 2

Summaries (for those of you in a hurry to read more)

Part 1

There are two deities. A Great Duck (the sister) and a Mighty Pickle (the brother). The Great Duck won't let him sleep, so the Pickle created a scourge: A race of sentient pickles. Violent carnivorous lizard men with huge tusks.

A long time in the future…

The Duck teaches a man named Mark how to make a computer program named Game Maker. With it, Mark unified the continent into a peaceful country called Yoyoland. Many years pass, and other presidents are elected. One day, Lawsome is told by the Great Duck to preach against the ingesting of pickles (sentient pickle eggs) and the creation of fake ones for black magic. Lawsome is then possessed by the Mighty Pickle. A new prophet called RoyTheShort is chosen by The Great Duck. The Might Pickle is forced to leave, and Lawsome is freed. Later on, a neutral character in the 'war' named Lukasmah is tricked into working for the Pickle. He attempts to destroy the prophets with magic and fails. The Pickle executes him, and then goes to fight the Duck himself. The two clash and everything is being ravaged in their wake. Before any real harm can be done, RoyTheShort teleports them to the YYGF Ruins (ravaged by a war between Yoyoland and the communist spambots of Uggbootopia) where everything is destroyed. No earth, no air, no pillars, just The Duck, The Pickle, and error 404.

We currently have about 20 or so short stories about random events on the GMC. Recently we have begun to break away from events on the GMC, and use more original ideas.

Tell me what you guys think!

Part three

The Bots by Insert Name Here

Insert Name Here found himself being transported somewhere. One second, he was outside the Pickle's castle, and now he was in a truck with armed spambots aiming weapons at him. The others were all there, except Lawsome.

"harm me, harm you. Can we make a one that pulls up? Are you harmed again and again and again? Do you know how your heart is pulled up?…" The Great Duck mumbled.

"What did you say?" I said.

"Nothing. Just some stuff that I said once to my brother." She said.

We were transported in the truck for a few hours. The Duck seemed powerless, unable to escape. The truck stopped and we were brought into a large palace. We walked into the building and down a few hallways. We reached a large courtroom. Bots were sitting in place of the jury, and in the judge's seat was a knight in silver armor holding a golden sword. He lifted his helmet up.

"Welcome." said Cantavanda, "I would hate to spoil a warm, or should I say, cold welcome, but as king officially charge you all with heresy against the country of Uggbootopia. Take them away!"

We were all taken down more hallways and then into a gigantic prison. We were each divided into pairs and thrown into cells. I got stuck with the Great Duck.


"So, what was that about earlier? You repeated something you said to your brother?" I said.

"It really isn't important. Just drop it." The Great Duck said.

So, we sat in the cells waiting for a while. I figured that Lawsome would eventually save us.


Lawsome1997 barricaded Mike Dailly's front door.

"That should keep them out." Lukasmah said, "Now that I got you here, are you gonna untie me or what?"

Lawsome1997 had started out that day thinking it couldn't get any worse. The president AKA the Mighty Pickle was… Dead. The real president tried to destroy the world. What more could go wrong? EVERYTHING. Somehow, Cantavanda, who got sucked into a black hole and supposedly died, brainwashed everyone. Lawsome had to dodge a whole army! Along the way, an image of Lukasmah told him where to hide from them. Secret tunnels that Typhon built, connected the Duck Cult building to his house. Anyway, back to the present…

Lawsome1997 went over and untied Lukasmah.

"Thanks. What's up with Cantavanda? Where has he been anyway? We used to be good friends, before I met the Pickle." He said.

"Didn't you know? He died! Didn't you see him when you were dead?" Lawsome1997 said.

"I wouldn't know if he was. There are several realms in the afterlife. Everyone thinks one is just torture. The Sulfurous Vinegar Swamp (aka Pikhell, which is a fallacy) is generally preferable to pickles. Most humans find it very unpleasant, and stinky, like me. The Great Duck Pond is preferred by ducks. Its essentially a giant fresh water ocean. Most people don't like to have to endlessly swim in it. Humans… well… I can't tell you that one. It seems that one doesn't exist. Golems have a series of caverns that they can mine in to their hearts content. There is no point in mentioning spambots because they are just reabsorbed into the host consciousness." Lukasmah said.

"Wait, what did you just say?" A half-asleep Lawsome1997 said, "And how do you know all that, anyway? I thought it was impossible to move between places."

"It is. Morgan La Fey did something to let her move around." Lukasmah said, "Anyway, all spambots have a host that they use as a consciousness. Its part of their design. The old Uggbootopian one was some Russian communist before we nuked him."

"So, all the bots were one person?" Lawsome1997 said.

"Not exactly. To make them more realistic, a willing victim's soul is split to accompany several bot souls." Lukasmah said.

"What if it were reversed?" Lawsome1997 said.

"Well, the bot soul would accompany human souls, but the overlogical nature of the bots code would overwhelm the human. They would be brainwa… Oh, I see where you are going. The Game contains a bots soul. That is why everyone is brainwashed. Cantavanda must be controlling the bot." Lukasmah said.

They managed to capture RoyTheShort, who was outside. They tied him in a chair. Lawsome1997 played the game after wresting it from RoyTheShort. It took a while, but he got to the end. The cloaked figure before him in the 'cut-seen'. Lawsome1997 defeated the figure by jumping out of the way, and then fighting him. After the bot was defeated, RoyTheShort started to come to his senses, but there was a safeguard. The cube starting turning into an armor that moved over RoyTheShort and encased him. It also got Lawsome1997.

"You are too late." They spoke in unison, "Yoyoland has fallen. The age of the bots has begun."

"No." Lukasmah said, "It is not the age of the bots."

"THIS IS THE AGE OF WAR!" Lukasmah said as he unleashed his entire magical might upon the bots. He a giant 100 foot tall transparent armor, and attacked all the bots. He blasted them with laser vision, acid breath, and giant pickles that he threw at them. He slowly made his way north to the area where the Ruins of YYGF used to be, and dispelled the armor. He prepared to attempt to open a wormhole, when a voice spoke behind him.

"Are you the one free from the bots whom I was sent to find?"

(If anyone here is interested in writing stories for this, then let me know. Pretty much anyone is allowed.)


JuurianChi 11 years, 2 months ago

Crows are awesome, ducks don't know what they're talking about.

Powerful Kyurem 11 years, 2 months ago

Well, I think we are starting to pull away from ducks. I think the only ducks used in a while were the Great Duck and:

the frozen duck in Roy's freezer.

EDIT: Spoiler tags don't work here. :( (nevermind)

EDIT2: I personally like the pickles.

Castypher 11 years, 2 months ago

The spoiler tags are as follows. Show makes the tag open by default, and hide makes it closed by default.



By the way, welcome to 64Digits.

EDIT: Why is everyone +1ing this worthless comment….

Powerful Kyurem 11 years, 2 months ago

Thanks. That will be very helpful in the future.

Kunedon 11 years, 2 months ago

Strange place, that GMC.

On a lesser note, welcome to 64Digits.

Toast 11 years, 2 months ago

plus if you call the tage
it will be called spoiler if you want to specify that for whatever reason

I'm keeping that spelling of tag in there. I'm convinced it's a Freudian slip after looking at the doge above me.

Powerful Kyurem 11 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, yoyogames has a few 'creative' individuals. I will start organizing links to stories in a little while.

Powerful Kyurem 11 years, 2 months ago

I added a few more to the stories. I think the order is mostly correct. Some of them can be read out of order, but I think I put them in one that would work best for readers.


Part 1 is finished!

Powerful Kyurem 11 years, 2 months ago

I added the rest of the current stories. There are others, but it is stuff that I did when writing ahead.

Powerful Kyurem 11 years, 2 months ago

Thank you for welcoming me.