Some stuff I want to share with you guys

Posted by Powerful Kyurem on Dec. 17, 2013, 12:42 a.m.

Okay, so I was promoted today (or was it yesterday 40 minutes ago) to moderatorship. Now, I could go into a long discussion of how grateful I am, but I think some people would find that a little too much for a blog. Instead, I will post a few simple things I plan to generally enforce:

*crickets chirp in the audience of my speech*

That's right! I have /nothing/ to enforce yet. I have no idea what needs to be done, so bring some requests. Post your troubles, or general policy issues you have and I will pass them along (if they are reasonable).

Now to break some ice.

I have been up late on irc channels and writing for some time. I always say that I have to get a beard and a banhammer.

"Why?" You ask.

Because I would be Nocturne(al). Nocturne is the mod I most respect on another forum. In fact, he is most respected of all. (Sorry StevenOBrien).

I am gonna tell you all something funny.

"The wrong thing."

Want to know why that underused joke is not funny?

Because, I said "The wrong thing."

*audience hurls fruit*

Alright! I will stop with the humor!

Now to my second business:

I have been on an awesome IRC channel that deserves more attention. It is called the Game Maker Chat (as in game designers, not yoyo's product). The link is here:

BTW, please don't flood this with congradulations. Cheer up Juurian's ban thing instead!


Castypher 11 years ago

My first request:

I want you to ban FirestormX.

Iasper 11 years ago


snipe 11 years ago

Find snipe and ban him. He's been up to no good recently.

panzercretin 11 years ago

Ban me I've been a naughty boy

LAR Games 11 years ago

I hear snipe is very difficult to find. It'll be almost like a hunt.. for snipe.

Powerful Kyurem 11 years ago

Lol, guys. I was looking for more… Administrative issues. Like: 'this rule is a little strict' or 'recommend this guy for mod' or what have you. I don't really like rude bashing.

Kilin: I would do that for you, if not for two thing:

1. I don't know if you are serious.

2. I don't know how to use the red bucket, yet.

BitZero 11 years ago

i beg u ban me for my sins

my sins of inactivity against father 64

Powerful Kyurem 11 years ago

How exactly?

Powerful Kyurem 11 years ago

Nope. The report button doesn't do it. (Sorry cyrus).