I meant to share this sooner but I kept forgetting. I made a jam recently and I hope you guys decide to join in the fun!
Official Page:
http://jams.gamejolt.io/theviraljamThis is a month long game developmemt competition stretching from Oct. 11 to Nov. 11. The rules are fairly simple:
1. Make a game with the theme of computer viruses. The stranger the better!
2.The game must be exclusive to this comp; you can't use it as a submission in another comp. 3. (Optional) At least one progress blog (including screenshots) must be posted during the comp.*
4. All work must be original, and not posted anywhere other than gamejolt.com or the site you are submitting from(barring screenshots linked through an image hoster) until at least 2 weeks after the winner is decided.
5. Game must run for either Windows or Mac or both.
6. (optional) Do a video development session and post the link here.
7. No actual viruses entered please. Don't take this too literally. (lol, just kidding)
8. Game must be submitted to gamejolt for the voting system to accept it.
*use image links to avoid lagging the pages
i don't understand, are jams not supposed to give any incentive for making a game besides making a game with other people and comparing your games?
Haven't seen that part of Game Jolt before. Now we have a jam for every day of the year?
Yes. Everyone was starting to make a jam for something and gamejolt was doing it's best to create a hub to host them.
http://compohub.net/ does a pretty good job of keeping track, but if they're organized in the same format, it's easier to keep track of what's going on.Also, nobody here is probably going to do that jam until S4D is done… and even then it's a stretch since time is of the essence - but I wish you the best of luck either way! :D