I've never played the original DOOM before, and recently remembered that it was most imperative that I do so, so I bought the original DOOM on Steam, and tonight I'm loading up on snacks, finding a comfortable place to sit, prepping a music playlist for while I play the game, and getting ready to a gaming jam, experiencing the highly acclaimed classic.
I got Fraps installed, and will be taking some screenies of my adventure :DI'm super pumped.Also, I meant to continue my blog post of recently played games, yesterday, but got caught up. Expect the reviews to continue Saturday arvo.Here's some sculpture I've done before, both fairly old, and both first attempts at the medium.
That's some pretty legit sculpting, always wanted to try some.
Make a playthrough blog :D
Doom is really, really addictive. I only played through it seriously a year ago or so, though it was one of the "modern" engine versions (zdoom or one of the other something-dooms), and it hooked me up for a few days (until my sanity could no longer handle the repeating monster roar sounds). I can only imagine the destruction it must have sown back in 1994.That's some pretty neat-o shit right there. The composition of the paris carving could use improvement, but again it's your first time with it. The metal sculpture's sick though, keep it up.
Thanks, I have a still have a whole bag of plaster of paris, but haven't done anything with it :S
Also, I've taken a bunch of pics, so I'll start off a playthrough tomorrow maybe, but mind you, my DOOM night ended up being a portal night, after I ragequit DOOM :3