As some of you may have heard, Limbo got released on PC.I kind of liked the game. The movement/physics were great, and despite the slow response jumping, it felt right. The puzzles were a bit too easy. You die quite a lot, and as the developers have stated, the idea behind the game is "trial and death". I'm skeptical as to whether I like that approach, because almost all of the deaths are unavoidable, but you tend to fall to a trap only once, so things aren't too ridiculous.I really liked the atmosphere. The game lacked music, but the subtle jingles and audible clues were really nice, and in conjunction with some traps, very ominous. Some traps made me wow, especially when I triumphed over them on my first encounter with them. One of my special favourites is a scenario in which you are standing on a stump, and from a tree canopy a huge tethered boulder comes swinging in your direction. Should you hop over it, it smashes into a tree behind you, and the awe is even greater insilled by an orchestral tuba moan that follows, and it's just great. When I was playing, the game really made me think of what a Limbo realm might be like. It was both creepy and astonishing.The game was short (a common complaint), and this was disappointing. For a game with such a simple concept behind it, and such basic level design, I expected lengthier playtime. I also felt that the traps and atmosphere were inconsistent. The first half of the game is great, the traps are thrilling and puzzles fresh. After that it goes downhill. There are no more traps, and the whole idea behind the game completely changes. The setting changes to a bland factory, and the game ends with you doing out of place gravity switching puzzles, making me feel like I was playing And Yet It Moves.The game had great atmosphere, but the gameplay and length is disappointing. A game like this just needs more content (DLC of sorts would be nice). At least the price-tag on the PC version is more reasonable, but due to the game's mechanics and length, it would've been better off as freeware.ArtA new drawing.
wow, you're insanely good at drawing. i couldn't even draw a stick figure right probably lol.