Just wanted to post a blog of Minecraft screenshots I've gathered over multiplayer. Some of these go waaaay back.

Marbs has come to collect the rent.


The naming of Founton.

That one time Kilin's house was on fire.

Founton's first cultist meeting place :')

Smoking not permitted.

Cooking dinner for the builders of Shepton.

Kilin, you might want to clean out that spa of yours…



A water temple.

I found a friendly skele. Made him some shade so he didn't burn up.

Found out I couldn't kill him.

Just your usual whirlwind blowing from the east.
I'm collecting more screenshots :D
ArtI got chosen along with other people from other schools in the area to partake in an art workshop oriented around lino printing and aboriginal design. After the two day workshop 5 people were chosen to proceed to a masterclass; one of those people being me. Found out that the workshop is happening over the same time of my mid semester exams. I expect that I'll be unable to go to the workshop. Bummer.
Oh, I got a
DeviantArt account which I'll probably treat as an art dump. Hit me up if you've got an account, we can like watch each other… or whatever it may be that DA frequenters do.
MusicEver heard of
Wolfram Tones? Holy shit is it some brilliant stuff. I've had so much fun with it, and the riffs and melodies it's produced have given me inspiration to make music.
Feel free to share some of your tones. Here are some of mine:
-Upbeat harp lead-Nice dance tune-Awesome folk tuneOh, also, I've been learning to play the harp and I'm absolutely loving it. It's so much more exhilarating to play than the piano, and sounds beautiful. Currently trying to work out how I'd go about playing
Fairy's Fountain, being such the musical noob that I am.
Oh, and new avatar :3
where is that water temple located?
also, what texture pack are you using?+1 for the Wolframming.
OMG INCEPTIONThe water temple was built in an elemental themed server, which closed down :( .
Ugh, I think I've got about 4 texture packs in these pictures. First few pics are Jolicraft, some after that are GoodMorning Craft (very similar to Jolicraft), and the texture pack in the newer pictures is a custom Painterly Pack. I could give the custom code if you'd like (an then you can view my constructions in all their intended splendour :>).I respect cellular automata but the PR exercise being executed by Wolfram is disgraceful. Good science progresses on the back of its own merits, not a big budget and investors.