A thought for food, for thought.

Posted by Praying Mantis on Sept. 20, 2012, 4:19 a.m.

It's been some time since I posted a blog. I've had all of these ideas and inspirations tumbling around in my head, and have been anticipating making a nice blog post which could perfectly summarise all that I've been thinking of. These thoughts? Inklings of romance, atmosphere in games, social constructions and artistic woes. Although, being the lazy being that I am, I fail to act on the inspiration of these ideas, so they are fleeting, and changing, and I no longer feel the need to share them with others; but this time I'm sharing something, straight up.


Hunger, thirst, eating and drinking; such seemingly menial yet important aspects of survival. More than anything else, I think hunger is what we most take for granted. I've come to be able to narrow aspects of life down to being either evolutionary and innate or learned and disposable. Hunger is one thing which I can most easily identify as an important evolutionary habit. I don't think anything else in the world holds as much importance, enigma and wonder as nutritional satiation does. I just finished reading an interesting book, and this particular passage stuck out at me:

No fear can stand up to hunger, no patience can wear it out, disgust simply does not exist where hunger is; and as to superstition, beliefs, and what you may call principles, they are less than chaff in a breeze. Don’t you know the devilry of lingering starvation, its exasperating torment, its black thoughts, its sombre and brooding ferocity? Well, I do. It takes a man all his inborn strength to fight hunger properly. It’s really easier to face bereavement, dishonour, and the perdition of one’s soul—than this kind of prolonged hunger.
I believe this to be true enough. Fasting is damn hard; you can't focus at all, and you feel physically, mentally and spiritually empty. I can understand why fasting is such a big deal in religion.

I've always thought of feasting and indulging in delicious food something wonderful, sacred even. One can look back on history and see how dining was such a relished activity. I've noticed it in literature too; reading through A bunch of fantasy novels, including the Lord of The Rings trilogy, it's amazing to see just how meaningful food is to the characters, and how in depth descriptions of feasts go.

For me, you could say that food is my religion. Every day I worship by feasting and pray by drinking. I have faith in food. Additionally, I've had countless profound experiences in my life, most of which tie into a certain kind of food I was eating, or a meal I had. Most of my childhood/teen memories are those of the milkshakes my mum would make me, the candy I'd buy from the shop after school, the hot chips I'd get on weekends, the delicious chicken schnitzel and mashed potatoes (a staple meal for our family), the cheap pizzas we'd buy every Tuesday, The 80c baguettes we'd have for dinner in France, the $2 double bacon cheeseburgers we'd buy at Jack in The Box, etc.

Food is the most reliable and lavish source of comfort and happiness in life.

Art Attack:

I won't just leave all of that, this blog needs some pictures. Art, AWAY!






JuurianChi 12 years, 5 months ago

I know who to ask when I do a reboot of Sheep in the big city now.

death 12 years, 5 months ago

… [-_-] are you fat?

just askin'. I don't worship food. i don't eat much and i don't find it to bring me any happiness at all. but maybe that's just me.

JID 12 years, 5 months ago

This blog made me hungry.

Praying Mantis 12 years, 5 months ago

I'm not overweight, no. I have the ability to eat whatever I like without the consequence of wait gain, so that's a plus.

death 12 years, 5 months ago

I'm not overweight, no. I have the ability to eat whatever I like without the consequence of wait gain, so that's a plus.
well…. for how long?

Cesque 12 years, 5 months ago

I don't really agree with the quote - you'll be surprised for how many days I can go without food* when I don't feel like doing groceries. But I can empirically confirm that hunger is one of the instincts you can't suppress. It doesn't let you stop and think. It keeps you on your feet and tries to make you just go and find something to eat.

* One, at most. But "how many days" sounded more dramatic than "how much time".

P.S. Poncho reminds me of Jodorowsky films.

Praying Mantis 12 years, 5 months ago

Well, I've fasted for up to 3 days - just because - and found it incredibly difficult, almost like what I imagine going cold turkey would feel like. It may be due to my love of food, but nearly every conscious thought was of wanting to eat. Because of that I couldn't focus on anything productive, so played games to harbour the mindlessness. I believe that most forms of torment are different in their own right, and cannot be truly equivocated, but hunger is something that is (for me at least) a battle which is more present and persisting than any other.

Only just now checked out Jodorowsky, as you mentioned him. Films look intriguing, but I'm not seeing the resemblance to my drawing :P

AliciaSimpson 12 years, 5 months ago

We do fast but we cannot live so long without food and water, as these are our basic need and cannot stop ourselves from eating and drinking.

programme neuf paris

Praying Mantis 12 years, 5 months ago

Wise words from AliciaSimpson, wise words indeed.

Cesque 12 years, 5 months ago

Only just now checked out Jodorowsky, as you mentioned him. Films look intriguing, but I'm not seeing the resemblance to my drawing :P