15:59 GMT, 27th July 2016
hawkscodeModerator:flashbackReason:Did I ever tell you the story about how I almost married a spam-bot? It was July, 1914, and the prettiest lady came to town. And not just pretty - she had a saucy streak a mile wide, and she weren't too particular about needin to be married, if you catch my drift. So we were, ah, having some real good times together, had been for a few weeks, when she suddenly turns her head straight t'wards me, and says DISCOUNT COD LVIER OIL $0.01 BES QUALIT FROM CANADA.Anyway, so I did what you do to spam-bots. And that's why yer great-grammy ain't no spam-bot.Result:+10 warn, now at Level 10. USER IS NOW BANNED!Further action:Come up with more stories.This is an automated blog post. If you wish to discuss or dispute this action, please PM the relevant moderator or leave a comment on this blog.