Art. And Why I HATE It

Posted by Purrfektionist on April 18, 2006, 11:43 p.m.

Warning: There's a lot of swearing in this post. FSX said it was okay to post though, so long as everyone reads this warning.

Mother fucking art. I can do this shit in like 10 minutes on my computer. With a pencil? Nooo, I gotta do it for fucking ever, and I gotta use this fucked up techniques, and if I fuck up, that's it. If I don't like the angle, I can't just change some numbers and instantly render it at a different angle.

And I don't fucking care if my art style is sketchy/cartoony. When the fuck am I ever going to need to do something "realistically"? If I ever have to, I can just do it on my computer. And it's not like I won't be at my computer when I need to do something important. I'm not gonna be going for a walk, notice a fucking cup, and go "omg, I'd better draw that".

What'll actually happen, is someone will come to my office, put a cup on my desk, and say "I'll give you a hundred million dollars to draw this perfectly" Then I can make it in 3ds and render it. If he doesn't like something about it, I can change the lights, the angle, the texture, every fucking thing, without having to redraw the fucking thing.

And the textures and shading techniques that I would have to do, can simply be done using Photoshop. Even the stuff that "there should be no discernable pattern" for can be generated using a program I would create.

Of course, there would be a pattern, because there is no such thing as absolute random, but it would be a lot more random than the human mind would be able to keep it. No matter how slow you go, your mind will generate a pattern. Your mind is only comfortable doing stroke at certain angles. You can develop your skills to add more angles to your array of angles, but that would take a loooot of fucking practice to get all 360, meanwhile a program I can make in 10 minutes could generate all 360, as well as change the stroke size, stroke pressure, stroke colour, etc.

Like fuck. I can understand doing painting on paper. I could probably make a painting program to generate the texture of the paint and paper and all that shit, but it's generally a lot easier to just do it on paper. But fucking pencils, pastels, etc….

And the supplies are so fucking expensive. 3ds, Photoshop, and flash cost like 2-2.5 thousand in total, and a pc/mac costs between 1-3k. But you're set for many, many years. A pad of paper costs $20 bucks. A "special pack" of pencils is fucking 10 bucks. A mouse costs 10 bucks.

Paint is fucking expensive too, and that pisses me off. It pisses me off more, because you can't duplicate paint very well on the computer, and it's generally less work to just spend the hundred billion dollars on colored water with a bit of mud thrown in for texture, than to try generate your Photoshop "painting" skills.

And there's no need for drawing anything realistically for like, any reason at all. Pretty much everything you would ever need to identify, has been mass-produced, and most of the time you don't even need to sketch something to show what it was. "Oh, it was…Uhh…A blue cup. About 5 inches high. Here, let me draw it for you….Aw crap, sorry, I didn't shade the inside of the cup just perfect. Let me start over"

For describing a lost backpack, you just gotta be like "it was green, had a water-bottle pocket on both sides, and an extra pouch in the front. It zipped up, and didn't have any flaps anywhere", and there ya' go. No need to draw it.

The only time I can think of that you would need that, is for describing a person. Everything else has been created more than once, and most likely has a name/model id. We aren’t able to identify animals very well. Same with trees. So what’s the fucking point???

*sigh* that’s about the extent of my bitching (for now). I should get back to art.

(fuck, my ear is bleeding. Fuuuuuuck. That’s what you get when you pierce it yourself. Motherfucker.)


membrain 18 years, 10 months ago

Maybe it's not you whom sucks at art… but art whom sucks at you… And I just realized that could sound kinda "off"… but ohwell, I think you get the point LoL!

Like the quote… "you think im insane? or am I just so sane you just blew your top!"

RhysAndrews 18 years, 10 months ago

um…. Fuck?

V 18 years, 10 months ago

i down freaking right suxor at art. i swear, i can't even draw something neatly. i can't even WRITE neatly! reason why i have this little laptop-ish computer thing that i can type all my notes on. it's so convenient. lol. so yeah, art sux, i wouldn't even want to bother doing it normally with pencil and all the little supplies. now photoshop, that lasts 4ever. pay for it once and use away! it's so easy… so yeah, that's my opinion. btw, on the ear piercing thing. i'm fourteen and i've had my piercing longer than 2 years. :P

Rez 18 years, 10 months ago

wait, lemme get this straight…

you don't like the "hard work" in art, so you blame art itself?

firestormx 18 years, 10 months ago

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Actually, I could have. You suck. =)

Purrfektionist 18 years, 10 months ago

Thanks, Bobbie ;)

Rez 18 years, 10 months ago


Purrfektionist 18 years, 10 months ago

Bobbie…is Robbie? (a.k.a Rob>>>FSX)

Rez 18 years, 10 months ago


Purrfektionist 18 years, 10 months ago

You <_<