Scary4Digits 2014 Theme Assignments

Posted by RC on Sept. 13, 2014, 12:03 p.m.

We're just 1 week away from the start of S4D14, so to give everyone who has already signed up enough time to brainstorm I am releasing everyone's 3 randomly chosen themes.

Kilin - Instability, Possession, Madness

hel - Illusion, Hunted, Macabre

colseed - Taboo, Emptiness, Illusion

Nopykon - Underground, Imperfect, Macabre

Zac1790 - Illusion, Haunting, Deprived Senses

Ferret - Black Magic, Brokenness, Haunting

Iasper - Haunting, Omniscient, Alone

JNyknn - Omniscient, Disaster, Illusion

Mega - Possession, Brokenness, Machines

kakaru - Emptiness, Grotesque, Instability

littlebear - Underground, Detention, Alone

Moikle - Possession, Illusion, Macabre

Toast - Hunted, Abandoned, Madness

Acid - Reanimate, Abandoned, Grotesque

Mairu - Taboo, Hunted, Brokenness

death - Invasion, Alone, Brokenness

BretHudson & jaredc - Underground, Disaster, Reanimate

frankie - Ruthless, Possession, Detention

JID - Madness, Illusion, Alone

eagly - Haunting, Deprived Senses, Machines

SpectreNectar - Underground, Illusion, Instability

Deleted - Abandoned, Possession, Macabre

LoserHands - Alone, Madness, Imperfect

LAR Games - Machines, Disaster, Emptiness

TacoBotProductions - Deprived Senses, Forbidden, Ruthless

ToadieTechnika - Deprived Senses, Emptiness, Haunting

MelonYoshi - Emptiness, Madness, Machines

stevekb - Shadows, Detention, Reanimate

Charlie Carlo - Haunting, Brokenness, Emptiness

alexsink - Machines, Alone, Reanimate

Jawchewa - Grotesque, Abandoned, Imperfect

Rez - Hunted, Abandoned, Shadows

ViKing Games - Illusion, Macabre, Imperfect

Yaru - Underground, Grotesque, Imperfect

blaze157 - Underground, Hunted, Reanimate

Kenon - Decay, Instability, Disaster

detective - Deprived Senses, Taboo, Emptiness

JoshDreamland - Brokenness, Alone, Possession

Kasmilus - Machines, Grotesque, Forbidden

GameCarpenter - Reanimate, Abandoned, Underground

jacklehamster - Grotesque, Ruthless, Alone

gordy - Ruthless, Omniscient, Illusion

Cosine - Brokenness, Machines, Deprived Senses

nap - Abandoned, Disaster, Decay

ISODEV - Decay, Invasion, Alone

seejay - Black Magic, Instability, Omniscient

quaz3l - Macabre, Possession, Illusion

gekido - Emptiness, Possession, Shadows

informiac 5 - Madness, Illusion, Alone

pizzadude223 & Supercannon: - Detention, Black Magic, Reanimate

Oana - Shadows, Invasion, Instability

Ayanami0 - Underground, Detention, Haunting

nothin - Deprived Senses, Emptiness, Black Magic

hdiff - Ruthless, Grotesque, and Illusion

SkidRunner - Brokenness, Machines, Possession

TheDanAffair & Wrew - Hunted, Underground, Taboo

3dorange - Alone, Black Magic, Instability

e5652450 - Invasion, Detention, Grotesque

PythianLegume - Abandoned, Underground, Ruthless

Purianite & Rofflesia - Black Magic, Deprived Senses, Imperfect

Citsua - Haunting, Possession, Omniscient

Rictus - Invasion, Decay, Illusion

Jasmine - Illusion, Shadows, Haunting

ChessMasterRiley - Grotesque, Disaster, Machines

mataguiris - Brokenness, Emptiness, Madness

Elpupas7 - Forbidden, Instability, Haunting

katanalevy - Imperfect, Detention, Taboo

armaldio - Decay, Hunted, Shadows

xthemecore - Alone, Ruthless, Reanimate

Othros - Forbidden, Alone, Black Magic

thehood - Alone, Shadows, Hunted

Any new participants to sign-up will still be assigned 3 themes at random, so it's still not too late to enter!

NOTE: You are not permitted to start work on your entry until the September 20th start date.


Iasper 10 years, 3 months ago

My wonderful planning causes me to be away this weekend so I'll have to join in two days late. Besides that, my storyline, characters, setting, weapons and items are all planned out so it's just programming, spriting and composing now :)


Quote: Kilin
Challenge accepted.

Amarin 10 years, 3 months ago

…It appears that I never actually entered S4D, but I started working on a Sayuri spinoff game last night.

I need themes, please.

RC 10 years, 3 months ago

Just an apology for those who have to wait on their themes for hours upon hours. My daytime schedule is pretty busy lately with work and I haven't been getting an opportunity to assign themes until late at night.

RC 10 years, 3 months ago

I'd do it myself, but I've no time. It'd also have to send emails to people containing their Unity trial key and stuff.

Castypher 10 years, 3 months ago

He's talking about new participants. The rest of us already got Unity keys.

TacoBotProductions 10 years, 3 months ago

I'm doing a text game, so I don't really need a Unity trial.