Philosophical Thoughts

Posted by RabbidMickeyMouse on March 18, 2007, 1:36 a.m.

I’ve argued with others that as humans, we’re served more with our intellect than our emotions. Many argue that regardless of what science and technology has brought us, we’ve somewhat synchronized our emotional and intellectual understanding of the world so that we can continue through most days without a problem, and that its better than one or the other.

Many contend that a life meant solely to advance our intelligence and way of life, as well as that of the larger society is without motivation, hollow and without (be it real or wishful thinking) motivating factors. Finding another human to feel affectionate and depending towards, living in a safe and sustaining environment, etc., are examples of our nature, influenced by tradition, instinct, among other factors.

It would seem at times that, as I argue to myself that such ideals of our nature are only to advance our own standing in the world, and that building ours as well as other’s intellect is a more engaging and purposeful activity to advance our society from its existing problems, that I come back to the idea that like any other species on Earth, surviving, competing and simply getting through each day to live another is exactly what I would assume learning more would help to replace.

I can only wonder, centuries from now, what would people think were the most important things in an individual’s life and that of their own society. Would it change much from today? The science may change, but will our beliefs in an ordered society? Does more knowledge and a better understanding of the world merely make it easier to preserve these existing beliefs?

I know I may be getting too philosophical for a blog entry, but I figure it was worth the time jotting the thoughts down somewhere.


Cesar 17 years, 11 months ago

emotions evolved as a way to manipulate or have an advantage over our own species. Knowledge is the only way we CAN survive. We're too big to fit in trees and too small to protect ourselves. Hell, we're like whimpy gorillas without our intellect, talk about an easy hunt, eh?

s 17 years, 11 months ago

That's great,philosophie is nice but you gotta learn how to make it more compact.Else it becomes a rant

shawn 17 years, 11 months ago

Without technolgy, tiger come at us, BAM, wimpy gorilla sandwhich. With technolgy, Tiger come at us, BAM, he's got a hole in his ass.

Nuff' said.

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 11 months ago

I think we all have holes in our asses, anyways.

At least I do.

Cesar 17 years, 11 months ago

lmfao, nice

RabbidMickeyMouse 17 years, 11 months ago

Its not that I wanted to imply that knowledge is less important than our emotions, yet that I find it surprising how our survival instincts (not merely the ones that keep us from getting hit by a car) are going to stick with us for thousands of years to come, and that they're just as important as our intellect in helping keep our society together and evolving.