A Sunrise Meditation

Posted by RabbidMickeyMouse on Oct. 21, 2007, 8:49 a.m.

There are days occasionally, such as today, that I woke up, and looked out my window to see the sun glow, sitting below the horizon. The sky is a mix of of blue's and violets, the windows have a film of condensation, softening the light further, and you decide to listen to some music, get a warm cup of tea, listen to some music, and relax.

My house has, on the second floor, at the end of the hallway, a room with windows covering 3 of its walls. You can see one of the hills that lines our valley, covered in a mix of pine and maple, and being that it's October, the leaves are turning, the temperature lowers, and sunrises get better as the months move into winter.

I pulled up a comfortable chair and began to think of what would be the best thing to listen to at the moment. Nothing too fast, of course. I considered Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, and yet it didn't seem like the title to listen to (too random). So, I pulled out Shine On You Crazy Diamond. One of the few songs that can put me into a pleasant, deep meditation. I wasn't aiming to loose myself in thought. I'd rather spend this sunrise, clear headed, absorbing the colours of the landscape.

You have to remember not to feel light headed in meditation, as if to feel the tension of the string on a helium balloon, whereas your body demands focus, and your head demands the freedom of being let go.

Rather be the balloon, fighting the forces around it for freedom, under pressure, it is better to be as water in a stream, and to slowly build a sense of flowing understand and awareness, no sudden realizations. Exist as if the world always existed, and appreciate your place in it, and the shared balance of action and reaction you posses with it.


shawn 17 years, 4 months ago


Polystyrene Man 17 years, 4 months ago

Good choice of music.