Radial's Guide to Life (off topic of Game Maker :D )

Posted by Radial543 on April 2, 2007, 8:55 p.m.

Hey all, here is a reveiw of the following: The Internet and cool games & sites, recent game consols, games, and lastly Game maker. I know this is a long blog, but it is worth the read :)


The inter net is a wonder ful place here is a coverage of the best sites. ( sry no porn XD).

Online Games:

Ok lets start at internet games. Most of you probily have geard of the popular flash game called "Line Rider", but if you havent go to this site: http://www.official-linerider.com/play.html

Another Game That is no that knowen is a game called free rider (i like it better than line rider) here is the link to play it:


Lastly if u some how didn't know there is a game caled Runescape that is an online rpg that has millions of players.

well, that about rapps up the games section.


Well, there are so many video sites out there and in my mind there are only 3 good ones: The well knowen You Tube. The Medioker Google Video. and the not so ppular View Do. Herer is the view do link: http://www.viewdo.com/


There are so much random sites that are very amusing on the internet, here are only some: If you are the person who like to mod your system to the very last boot screen or logon screen then u will love some theme sites that i will share.

Crystal Xp: A very useful site that has a butload of theme packs (Brico packs), this is a site that is one of the only good theme sites that has good customization packs beacause they contain no spyware, and they do not slow down your cpu speed. The link to the site is: http://www.crystalxp.net/en.htm

Theme Xp: This is yet another site that is good for themes, and alot of other junk, the only problem is that when u try to instally a theme it come up with so much advertisements, and other junk, and also my spyware program went crazy with things, so if u must go there for themes then heres the link: http://www.themexp.org/

Here is the wrap up for the internet .

—————Freeware Games (not in browser)———–

There are so much worthless game out there for u to download, but here is a good list of Good freeware games:

Bz Flag is a GREAT freeware game, it is 3-d and is all online, the controls are not very well stated though so i will tell you them: arrow keys to move. enter to fire. i to respawn, tab to jump. n to talk. m to team chat. space to drop a weapon flag. delete to self destruct. this game is so totally worth the download, with lots of players too, here is the main site: http://www.bzflag.org/

Ram Jets: A Game that is very fun, but still in beta form. It is local and online, and has a slow growing amount of players.

That is all, i am still sreching for games, but if you like physice here is a load of them:


(hint: not all games are free on fun Motion :o)

That is all for the games section….READ ON!!

Well i am out of time, if u want another guide just post that u do :)

(i lost my pass to my other account, thats why i have like no badges :–( )

If you want a sequal, then just post


Crane-ium 17 years, 10 months ago

The internet has a lot of stuff, and when I say a lot, I mean <u>a lot</u>…

Rob 17 years, 10 months ago


sry no porn

…And why not? xD

Radial543 17 years, 10 months ago

well, theres so much porn out there, u really don't have to have links :)

sk8m8trix 17 years, 10 months ago

Runescape sucks, you phail at the internet!

Rob 17 years, 10 months ago


well, theres so much porn out there, u really don't have to have links :)


brosbm 17 years, 10 months ago

nice. i made a cool functional loop on freerider