Greatest blog in the world! (tribute)

Posted by Relex on Jan. 6, 2007, 1:21 p.m.

This… Is the gratest and best blog in the world… TRIBUTE!!! A long time ago I was making a game. And when I finished it It was so cool that I thought I was gonna be a millionaire! But when I showed It to the lovely people of 64Digits it turned out I was not more than a NOOB. Hmmm noob ay? What was this weard word? Noob… It sounded kind of foreign. So I started to look it up in the dictionairy but could not find it. So I started asking around… WHAT IS A NOOB!!! but all I got in return was: YOU! YOU! YOU!. And so I did not know what to DO. Untill one day some smarty pants duwd called ~SiR_FrEdRiCk~ told me the meaning of that word was to be a nobody. A nobody ay? I said… And he nodded. So I though to myself.. I have to make the best game in the world… So that I would not be a nobody! And so I made the first game that came in my head, and just so happen to beee the best game in the world it was the best game in the WORLDD! Look at my game and its eazy to see 1 and 1 make 2, 2 and 1 makes three it was destiny!!. And so I made the best game in the world… But the perculiar thing was this my friends… the game was not actualy the best game in the world… It was only a tribute, so I forever stayed a noob.


(yeah I was bored so I wrote this stupid blog… And I know my english is crappy go screw a horse if you are going to nag about it.) hope you enjoyed (wasted your time) reading this! CIA! watch out for the new game that is coming: C.U.R.E… (It IS gonna be the greatest game in the world!!!) .



Relex 18 years, 1 month ago

Lol never thought anyone would respond… and ehm flashback… I don't know what that shit is all about… ask a mod or something. TENACIOUS-D FOREVER!!! Rock your focking socks off! :P

Relex 18 years, 1 month ago

Ow BTW.. anyone seen pick of destiny yet? (I did see Nacho Libre! that was funny! hope PoD is even better! :D)

DesertFox 18 years, 1 month ago

//go screw a horse if you are going to nag about it.//

Best quote ever…

Juju 18 years, 1 month ago

That was a bit harsh flashback, Relex is a very talented graphics artist. And yes, c.u.r.ε does and will forever rock.

frenchcon1 18 years, 1 month ago

ahem.. no

Paragraphs are your friend.

i must be the most







OBELISK 18 years, 1 month ago

A part of me knew that was the worst blog ever.

frenchcon1 18 years ago

wall of text!