Creativity next to GM

Posted by Relex on Jan. 17, 2007, 4:50 p.m.

Yes thats right!! I do more than GM alone!! I am a student at GLU (Graphics, Lyceum, Utrecht) or however you translate it From dutch to English.. Anyway. I do lots of stuff there like Photoshop, Photography, Video, Animation, Compositing, Interactive productions.. Hand drawing etc. GM is just a hobby of mine since I was still in elementary school (longgg time ago). But I actualy like Video and film the most… This will probably be what I am going to do in the future. I have already made some shit… ENJOY!

The first example is a small movie I made with friends just for fun… We just went out and made something out of the blue with no pre set story or anything.. anyway this is what came out. (ps: im the on on the right chilling on the playground)

The second example is a stopmotion movie made for school… Its pretty short but that was the assignment. Ive converted it to a flash and posted it on Newgrounds.

Here's the link:

Thats about all I find worth showing you all… Maybe youll see more of me in the future or ill make a blog like this showing my work… TTYL!!


Crane-ium 17 years, 11 months ago

Umm…the first video was ok. Kinda confusing though.

stampede 17 years, 8 months ago

I just love your banner! You should make games which includes those :D And that Lego stopmotion! That was awesome! Little short but still! I was too at the same kind of school that you are in. We made some videos and animations too :D But greatest one of ours is our Lego animation "Homosexuelle Publikation" Which can be watched at Youtube. Check it out ;)