Yeah, that's right, you all get to play an early version of that crezzeh 3D game that's been taking up my last 3 blogs. There's not much in it, only 2 missions (One of which will probably kick your ass several times), but you'll get a basic idea of how it plays. Anyway, you can get it <a href=>here</a>.
Anyway, here's what's on my todo list:Link Gate - VS MultiplayerLink Gate - Co-op multiplayerShop GateLife Gate / RespawnAnd then there's just stuff likeMore Areas / Warp GateMore MissionsMore WeaponsBut yeah, give it a whirl and tell me what you think.Oh, and post your computer's specs, and how well it ran.Aaaaand, feel free to brag if you beat both missions.
I found it extremely hard to move around. The mouse was way too sensitive, I think.
I like it, It's hard, can't you add to the gun so that you can hold the mouse button and it will still fire? And, make a pause and allow the mouse to leave the game then.
There is this one place from where you start, turn right, then turn right again when you hit the mountain, then there is spot where you didn't block the player, so yeah, I got hereI need to add a rate of fire delay to those guns, but after that, I'll allow hold-to-fire. As for getting outside the level: How did I miss THAT? XD
And, biggerfish? I think you'd need at LEAST 32 MB of VRAM to get the game to run. And even then, it'd probably be a bit choppy in larger areas.Yay! You used my song [:P]
Yeah, I noticed that, and I've rebuilt that cliff section.
I need editable!!! Lol
I got outside the level another way, the other side of the starting area I slipped through the rock.
Also, I died on the boss because I got stuck in a wall.Anyway, very very nice. Screw Hovertank, This is awesome!Collisions are rather bad. And I notice that height is only adjusted when on things such as eleveators.