Really Angry Shade of Blue

Posted by Requiem on Feb. 9, 2007, 7:11 p.m.

[l]A[/l]lright, peons, time for some random thoughts on stuff.

[warning=AzureRage] [/warning]

Right, if you haven't played this yet, and don't have a good excuse, go find it and play it. Or ye will be <i>terminated.</i>

Anyway, if you <i>have</i> played it, you might just be interested to know that I've added a new "Launcher" weapon, added a few settings for the Arena, and added a CTF mode, along with a new map. (Que screenshot!)

<img src=>

(Yeah, also added a Free Camera cheat for fun screenshots like the above.)

Unfortunately, I've been rather unmotivated at the moment. Happens a lot. Part of why every one of my games takes so long to be finished.

[warning=School] [/warning]

Just started a new semister. Unfortunately, that means I no longer have Math or Computer Programming, but I do get Art, which is always nice. Fortunately, we're doing chemistry in Science right now, and I enjoy that. English is less enjoyable so far. Mostly because we haven't actually <b>seen</b> our English teacher yet, due to a death in the family, so we're stuck with some crazy old lady for a substitute, who seems to think we need a writing assignment EVERY FREAKING NIGHT. Yeah.

As a side note, I got my ass horrible kicked by Scythetastic in Metroid Prime: Hunters the other day. Not cool. I DID manage to kill him with a crazy-ass lob shot weapon. Which blew his mind.

[warning=Music] [/warning]

Yeah, thought I might start sticking music in my blogs again. Today's song is a sexy remix from Project Chaos, a Remix project of the soundtrack to Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It's filesize is rediculously huge, so I'll just link to it:

<a href=>Click Here for Musical Happy.</a>

[warning=Conclusion] [/warning]

I'm freaking bored. So I wrote the above blog. And I'm <b>still</b> freaking bored. The end.

<i>Side notes:

- Yes, I AM using a totally retro avatar.

- No, I had NOTHING to do with the fact that ColumnsX is currently the top-rated game here. It really is that good. <_<</i>


frenchcon1 18 years ago

*Your avatar is mentioned in mine.*


abacus 18 years ago

It blinks!

Amarin 18 years ago

The water effect in that area is really nice… I've always been jealous of your skills.

Kenon 18 years ago


frenchcon1 18 years ago

i voted possibly.

Nighthawk 18 years ago

I still don't understand how you made the terrain so detailed without major lag., I really need some of that for RBAU. I think this has earned you a spot in my favorite users.

Amarin 18 years ago

It runs at 30 fps, so there's less lag. That's all. But it looks like it runs at 50-60. The only flaw is the mouse sync being too slow. I know there's a turning upgrade, but I don't know how much it helps. I'd love to be able to freely race through the areas while turning on a dime.

Amarin 18 years ago

And AzureRage > ColumnsX.

frenchcon1 18 years ago

na, i prefer columnsX-games like HT3D and AR really make me feel… depressed, perhaps nostalgic.

frenchcon1 18 years ago

* It blinks! *

DAMN abacus beat me to it!