ColumnsX Highscores back online

Posted by Requiem on Aug. 22, 2006, 1:40 p.m.

So, yeah, just a quick notice to tell you all that the score scripts are working again. The server was being mean, and wasn't letting me update the files for some strange reason…

Anyway, you can expect an update sometime soon with some bugfixes, including actually showing what character you were using in the highscores, and some other bugs I'd rather not talk about, because they can be used to cheat on the list.

Oh, and there will be a few more features, some of which you might be able to figure out right now, if you're observant enough…

Anyway, other than that, I got a faster internet connection, even though my old one was fast enough already. Oh, and as I'm typing this, I'm eating noodles. I like noodles.

Fun Fact: Accidentally posted this as a news entry the first time around, the New Blog and New News links are right beside each other. >.<


Theonlywonderboy 18 years, 6 months ago

Quote: JakeX
Fun Fact: Accidentally posted this as a news entry the first time around, the New Blog and New News links are right beside each other. >.<
I know I commented

sinkhead 18 years, 6 months ago

If somebody could please tell me what ColumnsX is, because it sounds good…

Theonlywonderboy 18 years, 6 months ago

It's Jake's game

Hootiehoo 18 years, 6 months ago

I got on the highscore table?!


But I never played as ChIkEn…. 0_o

And how come I don't have this badge?

It's for getting 20,000 points in one game, but I got a 35,000 and…

poultry 18 years, 6 months ago

damn, people love using me as there character O_o

Requiem 18 years, 6 months ago

Heheh, Hootie, those badges aren't available in the build of ColumnsX available for download. Also:

<img src=../images/badges/columnsx/10ksc.png><img src=../images/badges/columnsx/20ksc.png><img src=../images/badges/columnsx/30ksc.png><img src=../images/badges/columnsx/40ksc.png><img src=../images/badges/columnsx/50ksc.png><img src=../images/badges/columnsx/60ksc.png>

<img src=../images/badges/columnsx/comb2x.png><img src=../images/badges/columnsx/comb3x.png><img src=../images/badges/columnsx/comb4x.png><img src=../images/badges/columnsx/comb5x.png><img src=../images/badges/columnsx/comb6x.png><img src=../images/badges/columnsx/comb7x.png>

Before you ask, the game only allows you to display two at a time (not counting any highscore-list badges)

Hootiehoo 18 years, 6 months ago

ChIkEn, I didn't use you as a character.

sirxemic 18 years, 6 months ago

List of bugs of ColumnsX:

- escape quits the game instead of bringing the player back to the title screen.

- at the tutorial, the texts sometimes are too long what means that it won't fit the screen completely.

- at the settings screen, if you select 'fullscreen not scaled', the word 'not' overlaps the word 'fullscreen'

- at the character select screen the 'descriptions' of the characters very often overlap the names of the other one.

- when pressing down when one of the bottom characters is selected, 'back' is selected, but the bottom character also remains selected. Pressing right still works too then.

- the start button for 'player 2' is unknown for a newbie.

- at the game settings screen (right before the battle): when you select 'pressured - no return' the word 'no' overlaps 'pressured'.

- *a bug I PMed JakeX, a bug useful for cheating in the highscore table*

- once you are game over, you should be able to stop the game. Now the CPU just continues playing after you got game over.

- once you have submitted your score, you shouldn't be able to submit it again.

- in duo mode, it can happen that the columns of the player and the cpu get stuck in eachother.

- in duo mode, when one player is game over (everything turns gray except large marbles, stones whatever you wanna call it), the other is able to continue.

- in duo mode, when both players are game over, nothing happens what forces me to reset the game.


Arcalyth 18 years, 6 months ago

Change my high score from Halospree13 to Arcalyth.


Eternal 18 years, 6 months ago

You hsould change your font color, because of my shitty comp I can't read it. I have to highlight it all. Haha, almost everyone is Chiken… That's great…