64digits [b]v3 Preview![/b]

Posted by Requiem on Sept. 13, 2006, 3 p.m.

<table><tr><td>Nope. No preview here. Totally had you going, though, didn't I?

Anyway, time for one of those personal blogs, where everyone pretends to care, but nobody actually does. Well, at least, I sure as hell don't.

Anway, school started exactly one week ago, and, yeah, it's about as dull as watching paint dry. The upside is, I'm taking a Computer Programming course, so I'll know enough rudimentry Java to blow my own computer up by the end of the semister.

Other than that, I can now physically abuse <a href=http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=Scythetastic>Scythetastic</a> instead of just mentaly abusing him. Because, you know, he goes to my school. Which makes him infinitely better than you all.<td><img src=http://www.64digits.com/highscoresys/cximage.php?user=JakeX><br><img src=http://card.mygamercard.net/JA/marble/JakeXS.png></div></table>

Other than that, we watched a movie about how Apple and Microsoft got started. To sum it up, Steve Jobs gets owned, and Bill Gates is an evil kniving bastard. The richest evil kniving bastard in the world.

Now, time for a minirant.

People, stop making TDS games. Sure, you get the inexplicable attention that comes with creating one, for a while, but you get a much better feeling from creating something extremely cool and original.

Plus, once me and the rest of GameCave finish Conflict: Online, all your TDS games are going to look like crap.

Now, normally I'd have a huge image right around here, but today's image is too big to post here without looking awful, so I'll just have to give you a link.

<a href=http://64digits.com/users/JakeX/battlesoftshadowed.png>Click here to see the result of me getting seriously bored.</a>


sinkhead 18 years, 5 months ago

So where's V3 Preview?

Tyranic-Moron 18 years, 5 months ago

No previews for me v_v

Music's not bad

Rez 18 years, 5 months ago


Plus, once me and the rest of GameCave finish Conflict: Online, all your TDS games are going to look like crap.
There's that famous jakeX modesty again. [:D]

smaksak 18 years, 5 months ago

Quote: JakeX
once me and the rest of GameCave finish Conflict: Online, all your TDS games are going to look like crap.
oh nooo, I have to finish my super new tds shooter "save the world from evil monsters" before you do! *working damn hard with my new übercool tds*

EDIT: Damn REZ quoted it before me :(

poultry 18 years, 5 months ago

Make this "

Plus, once me and the rest of GameCave finish Conflict: Online, all your TDS games are going to look like crap.


To this ->


Plus, once me and the rest of GameCave and ChIkEn finish Conflict: Online, all your TDS games are going to look like crap.



Requiem 18 years, 5 months ago

Sorry, Chiken, no dice.

First off, that version of the sentence has some structure issues.

Secondly, typing in alternating caps in an insult to intelligent people everywhere.

poultry 18 years, 5 months ago


Fix it then?

poultry 18 years, 5 months ago

"Plus, once me, Chiken, and the rest of GameCave finish Conflict: Online, all your TDS games are going to look like crap."

Kaz 18 years, 5 months ago

No, you just slept with an admin.

Arcalyth 18 years, 5 months ago

I've seen a preview of v3 =) <!– Yeah, it was blurred, but I really don't give a crap. It was a preview. –>