RV's back in action!!

Posted by RetroVortex on Nov. 25, 2006, 5:12 a.m.

Yes, its true I'm back!!

(a chorus of :'WHO CARES!' is heard)

LIFE related:

Well, anyway, if you're still switched on, and bothered, you might want to know where I've been…

Well.. I haven't moved or anything, I hust got a new hobby…

Playing PS1 games!

Yes, the console i have to admit is one of the best ever…

My favourite games is Um Jammer Lammy, (one of the best games eve!!), and Castlevania SOTN..

Also, I've got an addiction to Stepmania, A DDR style game that is sweet!

I now got over 200 songs!!

GM related:

I haven't been very active with GM. All I've done is work a little on this NES-style platformer, oh, and I've made myslef a new avatar..


its, kinda funny actually, because that is his whole sprite at the moment, (he has no legs!), and maybe if I can animate him,(probably not because I suck at animating) I'll make a funny game out of him (It would be a spoof game about Nerds accidentally releasing VG characters into the world by hacking roms, so they have to recapture them (ape escape/pokemon-esque style), also one of them gets possesed by a villain, and goes evil and tries to dominate the world…)

This is an archive of ideas for myslef (so I don't forget):

- Nerd can't fight, but can lay traps and capture VG characters

- Bosses are evil heroes, but turn good, and can be assigned as a partner when captured ( Imaging having fire mario assisting you by throwing fireballs at enemies, dogging you like tails)

- some bad guys, such as Wario, can give you 1-time asisstace move (wairo's charge attack in this instance), but you have to pay them money to do so..(money is dropped by enemies, found in objects, hidden places ect)

- some Heores/Villains have special moves, that can be activated, by using special icons, (rare), but it has to be a assistant and a support character…

for instance, set Mario and Wario, as assistant and support, then press the special button, the screen will freeze and Wario will appear on screen, mario then turns into cape mario and pulls wario into the air, then Wario unleashes the full power of the but stomp

(Please note: these are just ideas, I have not decided whether or not I'm going to make this game yet, so don't get your hopes up…

Still a great idea though…)


Tasm 18 years, 3 months ago

I wish I had a PS1. I've heard a lot of good things about the Clock Tower series, and how scary it (was).

RetroVortex 18 years, 3 months ago

For some random reason I have 2.

Oddly, both are chipped…

But I use the newer one, becase the firmware looks better and is faster (its the blue background one, later firmware…)

the other one is the origonal gray tiled firmware (looks ugly and is slow)

Tr00jg 18 years, 3 months ago

Welcome back RV! I was wondering where you've been.

RetroVortex 18 years, 3 months ago

OMG!! You can talk?..

Just kidding, thanks for the welcome… :D

melee-master 18 years, 3 months ago

I have a PS1. They're awesome.

RetroVortex 18 years, 3 months ago

I don't think anyone noticed, but I updated my avatar a bit…

The ears are a bit more identifyable

and I made the glasses a bit thicker and more distinguisahble

I also made the tie a bit bigger..

Minor things really….

and I heard somewhere that the PS1 is now classed as a 'classic' console…

Is this true? Hmm… this needs investigating…