The GMC ignores me...

Posted by RetroVortex on Dec. 19, 2006, 12:36 a.m.

quite literally it does!

About a day ago, I release my demo of pilot there, and immediately it sunk down to the second page: WITH NO REPLIES!!

Thats so sucky!

Then I 'bump' my topic with an update, but today, I still find that no-one has replied, and its back on the second page!

In fact, hardly anyone replies to my topics there, it sucks.

Here is my track record of replies for all my topics:


At the end it's large, but those topics were mostly topics in the graphics forum, in the topic that has had the largest amount of replies on the GMC has only been 15,

kinda pathetic in comparison with the pokemon engine with 179 replies, and that has only just now slipped onto the second page

This is why I don't bother sharing my games with their community..

Same goes with gaming world. There they won't even touch my game if its not an RPG. Whats the point of having a GM topic, in a community where a non-rpg is like a plague..

Not saying the Gaming World forum is bad, because its not..

The RPG games there could teach us a thing or two about most GM users fatal flaws:

- Graphics

- Story

Probably the best forum out there is the game maker games forum, because you actually get replies, and helpful ones.

They actually tell you what needs improving rather than in the GMC where you would get something like: 'OMG this game iz so Crap! 2/10''

But even then I've only had 5 relpies there..

I think it must be in the title,,, I can't think of very good titles..

Maybe if I put a few //// in it might stand out.

Could also be the genre, people seem to be into RTS and RPGs lately, and don't seem to care about Space Shooters, even if it was decent…

Well atleast I can rely on this community, 64digits.

The feedback is very good. And you give ideas as well, which helps me…

Sorry to rant so much about forums, (GMC in particular), but they just annoy me…

EDIT: oh guess what topics just boosted itself up to the top again..

I'll give you a clue: it involves pokemon and it now has 180 replies…


DFortun81 18 years, 2 months ago

GMG is bad for RPGs, I put PK on it and only got 30 something replies compared to the GMC where it was in the triple digits.

But yes, 64D is better if you are well known, or a mod, and make awesome Preveiw Pics.

Josea 18 years, 2 months ago

Putting "Using L3s Engine" in your topic subtitle doesn't help very much, better but something more descriptive.

blue213 18 years, 2 months ago

GMC, the god-forsaken dictatorship. Ha, I just thought of another meaning for GMC insted of "game maker community"…

DFortun81 18 years, 2 months ago

You mean "Gay Man Community".

Jabberwock 18 years, 2 months ago

It ignores me too. :( Come on, we can start a club.

@ blue- lawl.

Icaruse 18 years, 2 months ago

There is no question that the GMC (or big forums in general) is absolutely not well-designed for WIP or even complete game presentation. As a GM help/advice/idea terminal, it does somewhat serve its purpose, and IMO that's pretty much all a program-based website needs to be.

KaBob799 18 years, 2 months ago

GMC, the god-forsaken dictatorship. Ha, I just thought of another meaning for GMC insted of "game maker community"…

DFortun81 18 years, 2 months ago

That's what I asked, but it gots deleted. >=O

FredFredrickson 18 years, 2 months ago

GMC will provide you feedback if you make your topic stand out… Not saying that you don't (I personally have not seen your topics) but if you build a good topic, they will come to it, even if the game isn't too great.

Alert Games 18 years, 2 months ago

GMC users:

85% newbies/non-GMers

5% average

5% pros/mods

5% spam

My Particle Designer had pretty good amount of replies… PD2.0 will probably have a lot more.

Also, people also like arcade games a lot, and i dont like to play long RPGs. 3D games also usually stand out.

Now I must get back to writing my report for 5th hour :P