Cat Pillow

Posted by RetroVortex on May 28, 2007, 5:51 a.m.

Hi again!

Been working some more on my miniproject (I'm calling it a miniproject as I expecti it to be finished soom, and the game is a minigame!)

So if you look at my projects, you'll see how the game has been progressing. I will do more significant work on it today (mostly addding powerups)

Earlier I tried to use an online highscore example, but it was too confusing for me (since I know NOTHING about php, and very little html).

Which is a shame, as I though my game would benefit from that…

also, is anyone taking music requests, because I need a new background theme for this game, as I would prefer some original music rather than a midi of another game.

Midi or MP3, doesn't really matter to me.

I checked musiclib, but there wasn't any music that fitted with this game,

I'm looking for something fairly lively and racey, but fairly chaotic (kinda like creation and chaos mixed together)

But for now I'll use the same midi I got.

Theres no rush. I wouldn't want to impose on more important projects..

I've seen alot of cat pictures around lately, there kinda like the new 'O Rly!'

I find them hilarious, but please don't spam too much with them, else the effect kinda diminishes…

Talking about cats, my cat Merlin has decided that today, he will be my personal pillow, and that currently he has the vibrate function on (he's purring!) (so the title is relevant! (only a bit though…))

I've been thinking about getting a MSN account, because everyone uses MSN nowadays, and my freind who promised he would email me, hasn't yet!

But I don't mind too much about that, because he's probably convinced himself again that my email address is a MSN address (WHICH IS POPOSTEROUS! as AOL doesn't work with MSN), and there are like 20 other people he's got addresses to (all hotmail accounts!), so he's probably a bit busy…

So errr…. that pretty much all I have to say for now [:D]

EDIT: Got a new version of my minigame up and running!

Swing over to the project page to check it out!

(but if your too lazy here's the link:

EDIT2: Man I hate this new blog edit system, i keep forgetting to check the recent box…


RetroVortex 17 years, 9 months ago

BTW, my cat has gone into hiding…

god 17 years, 9 months ago

I'm not stupid.

I can tell that the cat is in the trash can!

RetroVortex 17 years, 9 months ago

Funny? I thought he was on top of the fridge! [:O]

noshenim 17 years, 9 months ago

it looks like it's gonna fall on that thing

s 17 years, 9 months ago

Here is my cruddy portfolio of MIDIs