Amazing GM game! (and FullForceGames)

Posted by RetroVortex on May 29, 2007, 9:40 a.m.

I have played the most amazing GM game ever!

(well to me anyway)

Link to awesome game:

Seriously, you must play it. it just blew my mind! (a very hard thing to do!)

If you were wondering what I was doing there in the first place, I was actually posting a demo of my project I'm working on..

(also I was releasing it on GameMakerGames and Great Games Experiment)

haven't had any response to it yet, (not really a suprise for me)

I just have very bad luck when it comes to these things. Thats why I never post in forums. My games never get any replies and they sink out of existance.

But I suppose that happens to everyone. (well most amateur game makers anyway..)

I suppose I should get more reputation there, maybe actually be active there, earn their trust! (YA! right…) And maybe then they might actually try it!

So, um, if I find anything else interesting for you guys, I'll edit this blog with some more content…

EDIT: Hey guys I've found another interesting piece of information.

Today, unusually I got a message on the GMC by a user called


it seems that he is setting up a new games site, and he's probably going around giving everyone this PM message:


Have a game, then we want it, have your game on our site for the rest of the world to download, can be a game you want to show, or a game you want to sell, we do both

So pm me asap if your are intrested and i will give you more info

He (or she I don't know) seems to be genuine, as their banner looks well designed (and is animated) and their site, although empty, does have a good design and stucture.

So who knows, it might take off…

So to check for validility I sent him this PM:


I have a game in the works, so I'm interested.

I like to help GM sites grow.

But I would like to ask. If I put the game on your site, will I get full credit and recognition as the creator of the game?

He responded with this:


yes definatly, all we ask is at the begining of it you put our logo, like in miniclip games, so when your done give us the editable, and we will ad it in, then put it on the site, and yes we will delete the editable after that, and on the download page it will have who it is created by and in the game you can have that as well, is that ok

Apart from the typos (as the response was quick, so I'll let him off…), he seems to have thought it through…

So I agreed and he said ok.

Thought you guys might be interested in this.

But like many sites like this, it will probably fail.

But I'm going to take a chance and give them my game when I've finished it. (as I think from earlier in my blog, I'm going to need some advertising…)


eagly 17 years, 8 months ago

Wow, that looks good. I'm going to have to try it at some point. Probably tomorrow.

NoodleNog 17 years, 8 months ago

Wow. That game is stunning. gameplay was a little bit repetitive, but everything else was kickass.

RetroVortex 17 years, 8 months ago

It basically shows what GM can create, with enough skill and effort.

I would say it even rivals some commercial games…

s 17 years, 8 months ago

The actual GamingW site seems srta dead to me

RetroVortex 17 years, 8 months ago

It died a long time ago. But the forums are anything but dead!

But their kinda prejudice against Game Maker, (they seem to favour RPG maker the most, and RPG's in general…)

Lethal 17 years, 8 months ago

AMAZING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, that was very professional.