Seriously I do…
Why? Because I'm missing out on some of the most amazing games, that just won't ever leave Japan.Like, today, thanks to my R4, I got to play Jump Ultimate Stars, and it ROCKS!Its just a darn shame it will never come out in English, (due to copyright issues) as its kinda hard playing story mode without knowing what the missions are about, (but due to my trial and error, and experience with videogames, I worked it out!)Another game I got to play today was Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan, and its sequal: Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii: Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2(which is the japanese versions of Elite Beat Agents)I liked it, moreso the sequal, (but due to my flashcart crashing at a certain point in my game, I can't get any further [:(])But there is hope for the future, already games such as Final Fantasy 1 and 2 on the PSP, and the third Pheonix Wright game have an english option!Just wish there were more games being translated, (which I know takes time, as Japanese is a bitch of a language to translate!)So has anyone else played any amazing Japanese games, that will never see a European (or american) release?If so, please reccomend me a few… (apart form Ikaruga, I already have that game [:D])I need to learn Japanese...
Posted by RetroVortex on May 31, 2007, 5:02 p.m.
17 years, 7 months ago
Final Fantasy Tactics A2 is coming out on the DS some time. ;] Get a DS.