Hiya folks!
Not been here for a while, been too lazy to post or blog,but today I've managed to scrape together enough effort to do so.What have I been doing lately:1. Went to my freinds house, so we could go to london and watch Monty Python's Spamalot.Seriously It is the best musical I have ever seen, it is hilarious!And the music is pretty catchy too! (I've been whistling the tune: 'not dead yet')I think its better than all three filmns combined!The best bit was that me and my freind got upgraded seats,(as our area was closed), so we were watching it from the fourth row!!(and we sat behind the winner of 'peasant of the show' award. so we got to see them 'find' the grail! XD)2. Been playing the new Megaman game for the DS:MEGAMAN STAR FORCE!!I got dragon (because dragons are cool!!)and the game is alot better than battle network 4,5,and 6 (because the story is really good, as the characters are a lot less cookie cutter, but I won't spoil it for you…)So I recommend getting it ASAP!!(AMN!! [:D])3. Playing Soul Calibur 3 too!Chronicles of the sword mode mainly,its pretty cool! I like it!(But playing it can corrupt my save file!! so I have to be extra careful)My FAT PS2 also needs cleaning too, as its starting to slow down loading games, so I gotta find my cleaning disk!! 4. Got Unreal Tournament 2004And before you laugh, I'm playing it as my pc substitute for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion(because I can't get the game to work properly, my controls randomly freeze up ingame, so I cant do anything apart from Ctrl-Alt-DEL it!)Anyways! I suck at UT2004!My personal best in a deathmatch is 10!(and I died about 30 times to achieve that)I suppose thats what you get for playing the 'experts', (the people who live and breathe FPS)Still, Its pretty fun to play capture the flag….WITH VEHICHLES!!!The only thing I complain about is custom maps,the problem is that, while you download them, other people are fragging away, so you always start off last…But anyways. Thanks for taking the time for reading this. And if you know how to solve that bug in Oblivion, I would be really grateful! [:D]
I thought the series got too bogged down in the 'Darksoul'/nebula plotline, which kinda put me off the series a bit.
Also Lan is really cookie cutter, he has had barely any personality change at all through the six games, he's very ordinary…But thats not to say that 4,5 and 6 were bad…Not at all, they were all very good games in their own respect!A Monty Python blog not by Takagi? Impossible.
Nothing is impossible if you can imagine it!
Now time to end this comment with a quote:Spamalot kicked ass