Tis the time of year..

Posted by RetroVortex on Oct. 19, 2007, 4:03 p.m.

Yes folks its the time of year when…


I personally think this is due to a combination of many things, like weather change, environmental change, and social change, (i.e settling in back at school)

But there is some good news (for me at least):

We've got a holiday, (well 90% of people in the UK have anyway…)

So that means we get a week rest,

so all you depressed Brits out there CHEER UP!!

Smile ![:D]

Well, now thats out of the way,lets talk about me:


What life?

oh, you mean school life!

Well I can tell you I've been working hard, learning loads, but I'm now too busy to be social (My school is extremely demanding), but its not too bad. Being in the sixth form, means lessons are interesting (well they should be, I've chose the darn subjects I'm doing, except one, which is general studies, which is pointless!), and people treat you with respect.

I'm still socially inept though, haven't made many new freinds, but I still have my old ones, (at least I think I do..).

I love English Literature, I'm really into Tony Harrison poetry and Antony and Cleopatra is the best Shakespeare play I've read, (as its gritty, dirty. and very intellectual).

I seriously reccomed you read Tony Harrison's poetry, its technically radical, and he uses such powerful imagry.

But enough about school, lets move on…


Not doing anything currently, but I'm hoping to enter a few GM contestshere and there, (remember I said "hoping" not "going")


A recent news thread that has been brought to my attention is the latest threat to homeland securtiy:


Apppartently people in the UK are getting very fat, and the government say that in 50 years, 60% of people will be obese.

I do worry about this, but then again, I believe obesity is hugely overhyped.

Take myself for example, I'm pretty fat, but I have never suffered the apparent health problems associated from being obese.

In fact, I've never had a serious illness or injury in my entire life.

The only reason I'm overweight is that i don't excercise.

But thats because I am lazy, not because I eat too much (I hardly call 3 meals a day binge eating).

I mean, I do try to walk alot,but thats about it, I hate sport, I hate running, and I can't afford to go to the gym, (becaue I am poor!).

I would like to thank those who have read my blog, and please, feel free to comment as you wish.


PY 17 years, 4 months ago

My christmas break starts at the 23rd. Nice.