Episodic games.

Posted by RetroVortex on Oct. 26, 2007, 4:23 p.m.

Do you think episiodic games would work in the GM scene?

Because I've had this idea lately that maybe it could be a good approach to game design.

I mean, it can work in the videogame industry right?

Half-Life, and Sam and Max (telltale) are examples of commercial games that work in episodes.

Maybe GM games could too!

Of course I'm not talking about some cheap, rushed piece of rubbish, but maybe a short, but high quality platformer with a good story.

The possible advantages of doing this is:

- Generally faster creation time

- Easier to apply feedback to sequals

- Story could be quicker and/or easier to make (as there could be more specific focus on one area of the story, or the story of each episode can be less connected to the main plot)

- Easier to keep players attention ( a very difficult thing for a game maker to do is to keep the modern player's attention for extended periods of time, maybe this is why a modern point and click adventure like sam and max is more popular and profitable than the more traditional point and click games of yesteryear (the only example I can think of at the moment is Toonstruck, which was an amazing game, and last for ages, but it was a commercial bomb!)

However, I can see some disadvantages:

- Pressure. If the 'episode' turns out to be popular, people may expect the next episode to come out soon after the first.

- Quality. People will expect the quality of the next episode to be >= the prevoius one. (see Sam and Max for insance, the second and third episode are considered to be worse than the first, and this perception could prevent people from trying them, but personally the difference in quality is very marginal, and all espisodes I've played so far have been excellent!)

I might actually try this out!

But only if I get a good enough idea, (maybe something lighthearted and cartoony, with a slight hint of crudeness!), and time (time is the most important necessity of game making!).

What do you guys think about episodic games?

I would be intrigued to know…

(P.S. are there any examples of episodic GM games, I haven't had the time to play many GM games recently (because of school), but if anyone could point me in the direction of a good series (not something like WTFBBQ as I don't consider them directly related enough to be episodic), I would appreciate it!)


basilamer 17 years, 3 months ago

Hm… Make it a unique story. Like, wild but not too corny. I think episodes would really be a big help. I should try that.

A cool thing to do is to make a variation of genres. For example:

Ep1: Platformer

Ep2: RPG

Ep3: Point And Click

Ep4: Scrolling Shooter

Ep5: Platformer

RetroVortex 17 years, 3 months ago

Its a good idea, but it would be pretty hard to impliment,

as its hard to move between different genres successfully.

I mean, not only is it difficult graphically,

its also difficult story wise. (but I suppose if you give the character enough incentive to act differently then it could work..)

flashback 17 years, 3 months ago

Basil, please take your idea out back and shoot it, then burn its corpse and scatter the ashes across antarctica.

RetroVortex 17 years, 3 months ago

Basil, please take your idea out back and shoot it, then burn its corpse and scatter the ashes across antarctica.

flashback, I don't think its that bad, but maybe a different genre has to be implimented into a main game mode,

for example, the main game has the player move around top down, RPG style, but one can initiate a minigame that is a scrolling shooter.

(possibly optional, possibly not…)

Rez 17 years, 3 months ago

I've thought of doing this for awhile actually, its a fantastic idea if you have the drive.

RetroVortex 17 years, 3 months ago

Quote: REZ
I've thought of doing this for awhile actually, its a fantastic idea if you have the drive.

Yes, the drive can be a problen, which is why most of these games are made by teams of people (as the drive of a large group of people >>>> drive of an individual).

But it is certainly a possibility for game makers.

flashback 17 years, 3 months ago

RetroVortex, I'm not going to play a series of games that randomly goes from a decent RPG to a shooter.

basilamer 17 years, 3 months ago

It was a suggestion, Flashback. I know what you are saying and I agree.

Maybe each episode should have a difference in a unique way, though.

flashback 17 years, 3 months ago

Then it's disjointed.

Scott_AW 17 years, 3 months ago

Episodic games are fairly new, but they're also a pretty nice idea. Less developement time needs to be spent to release each episode as opposed to a full scale game.