I got something RARE!!??!!

Posted by RetroVortex on March 29, 2008, 2:52 p.m.

Today I have found out I actually own something that is very rare!

I can't believe it!!

Well.. its pretty rare, but its is worth much more than I expected it to ever be.

Its a game for one of my favourite commercial bombs, The NEO-GEO POCKET COLOR!. What's the game you ask… well I'll tell you:


(At one time, this game was worth between $300-$350 dollars! But tis considerably less now… :( )

Unlike most rare things, the game is actually quite decent. Its quite challenging, and has quite bright and colourful graphics.

I kinda stumbled apon the game by chance. I was at Milton Keynes one weekend with my family, a long time ago, and we were at Gamestop (I think…) . My little brother had broke my neo-geo a while before we went, so I was mourning its loss…

Suddenly my eye focused to the back of the store. There they were, Neo-geo pocket colors!! But strangely they were not in a box. There were in sealed plastic cases with around 6 games (in their little cases, but they had no boxes or manuals!!) . They were quite expensive, I think the whole sets were £40-60, so I didn't buy it and left the store after talking with the store owners about the set, (as I was really considering it!!)

When we left the store, a man followed us. When he caught up, he nicely tipped us off about another store (I think it was eplay I'm not sure…) selling the sets for half the price. My eyes brightened up, and we heartily thanked the man and rushed to the store. I picked the stoney designed neo-geo, which had 1 or 2 games I already had (such as king of fighter R2), but the rest I didn't own. Funnily enough, one of those games was Pocket Reversi, which at the time I thought was the lowest value game, second to Pacman even… Even better is that the Uk version of the game never had a box or manual anyway (so I can't be penalised)

So cool story huh?

Have any of you guys got a rare game unintentionally?


RetroVortex 16 years, 11 months ago


I think I just wet myself in awe…

I so badly wish I had my banjo Kazooie (I had it, but I lent it to someone and they never gave it back… :( )

I remember I had a super scope too…

Looking at all this cool stuff has upset me. I feel inferior!

Cesar 16 years, 11 months ago

I has a Neo-Geo Pocket Color. In perfect condition.

My rarest game is a rated T copy of Oblivion

marbs 16 years, 11 months ago

Hehe, I'm not really sure what to do with my collection. I might sell it bit by bit on ebay, or just keep it until hopefully it gets worth more. I think I have about 26 game consoles in total, though I'm not sure of the exact number. As for games, I have 50ish for the SNES, but less for all the other consoles.

I think the consoles I have are as follows:

  • NES

  • SNES

  • N64

  • Gamecube

  • Wii

  • Dreamcast

  • Playstation

  • Some sega consoles (mega drive, master system etc)

  • Phillips G7000

  • Gameboy BW, pocket, colour, advance, DS

  • Sinclair ZX spectrum

  • Atari 2600

  • Amiga commodore

  • Some handheld thing I can't remember the name of but isn't worth much anyway

  • xbox

    …and that's about all =)

    [edit] forgot a couple
  • RetroVortex 16 years, 11 months ago

    I'm gonna keep all my stuff…

    Just for the nostalgia.

    Ever since I sold the snes, I vowed never to sell a console ever again!

    (Its has been around 10 years since I made that promise, and I intend to keep it, even if that means I will have a loft's worth of stuff.)

    I still have most of my consoles set up ready to play. (In my room i have a PS1, PS2, XBOX, Megadrive, Dreamcast, and N64 all set up and ready to play…)

    (Downstairs I have a Wii, Xbox360 and a PS3 all hooked up to the main TV!!)

    KaBob799 16 years, 11 months ago

    Colecovision with bunch of games =]

    poultry 16 years, 11 months ago

    I have a NES with i dunno, a couple hundred carts?

    blueBX 16 years, 11 months ago

    I have Super Mario Bros. 2………. :(

    Omega_Squid 16 years, 10 months ago

    I have like 3 NES's, but I cant find a damn AC cord and I know one is broken (still trying to repair it)

    I also have one SNES, and I thought the fuse was blown, so I replaced it. No dice =(

    AT least my box of 15 (that's right, 15) N64's I bought last year work - they are just dirty and some have the memory expansion pak slot cover missing (bastards)

    I need some N64 controllers, cause I have…none. I had to borrow it and the most awesome game ever, Goldeneye, from a friend to test them.

    I could rant for days. Perhaps I should post my collection on that awesome domain I bought - retrorepair.com


    Cesar 16 years, 10 months ago

    oh yeah, I have a top-loadin gNES as well