Hi, its me again!!
I would like to say that things are going well, and I'll be releasing more screenies soon. From last time I would like to say that I have completed two more missions, making three completed mission so thats just two more to go until I release a demo.The reason this is taking so long is that I have to create all the different modes, (there's going to be ten modes, 7 of which I have already thought of). The mission mode is diffrent from the story mode, ( which I'm going to make after I've made all the modes and the plot of the game) because instead of a grdual process of unlocking missions/ships ect. all the mission will be fully unlocked, allowing a pick up and play atmosphere. I also need to update the tutorial ( it explains the controls and powerups only, so enemies and missions will be self-discovery)So far I have created these modes:Asteriod: Destroy the asteriods (simplest/easiest mode)Delivery: Deliver packages to the delivery pointInvaders: destroy all the enemies ( I have created two a.i enemies so far, one follows and shoots at you and the other is a turret)I am also planning these modes:Escort: Protect the escort so it reaches its destination ( I may turn scrolling maps of this mode to make it more challenging)Survival: Survive against waves of enemies until the time runs outAssault: Destroy the enemy fortress ( The enemies respawn themselves (gun turrets galore) and you have to get in destroy the core and get out again)BOSS: defeat the bossThis mode is a possibility:Race: Beat the other ships to the finishWhen the demo is released, there will be the first 5 missions in this order:Asteriods DeliveryInvadersEscortsurvivalEDIT:For all those who find escort missions boring, then I'm going to add a few twists to the mission: the transport doesn't die easily it helps out in the fight,(mine will fire homing missiles every 10 seconds) the transport follows behind you instead of having its own path ( to make it harder the transport will slow you down, but you can drop it off in various point n the map, so you can fly ahead and take care of enemies)
<b><i> this is not a comment. </i></b>
Well in relation to Rez,z comment
This is not one either.Anyways, sounds cool, cant wait for the demo.I agree with SleepinJohnnyFish.
All who hate escort missions raise their hands/legs/tentacles. Ooo, a lot of people.All who like escort missions, jump off that cliff over there. Hmm… not a single person jumped. I guess everyone hates escort missions.WAIT! There is one good type of escort mission.
That is where someone else is escorting somoene and you hve to kill them. That is fun.