I've actually done something!!!

Posted by RetroVortex on July 19, 2006, 10:50 a.m.

Yes, I got bored so I've improved PILOT.


- Fixed most errors that people found

- Made the player 2x faster

- Made asteriods slower

- Added the ability to reverse (its 1/2 acceleration of moving forward)

- Improved collision detection, (changed masks, so there should be less chance of getting stuck)

- changed asteriod sprite

- removed the character ship that didn't work

- changed warbug's stats and special:

attack: average

defence: average

speed: average

special: All stats are improved to maximum

(I think the ships are more balanced now)

- Changed recharge/delivery point spite intoa much nicer one

- Turned off fullscreen mode, (now the window will keep changing size, but its not so blurry now :D)

Now thats a lot of changes. I may release this improved version, or I might wait until I make more levels, (can't decide yet…)

Also my freinds who tested this version were actually fighting to have a go on it so it must be much better…

:D YAY!!

EDIT: oh shoot I can't wait:

heres the link:

<a href="http://64digits.com/users/RetroVortex/PILOT_v2_.zip">Pilot demo</a>


V 18 years, 7 months ago

cool. can't wait to see it!

RetroVortex 18 years, 7 months ago

Uhhh… Hmmmm…

Okay I've discussed the matter with the voice in my head and I've decided..

I'll release a blog exclusive…

Then when I add more missions I'll add an official demo to the site..


V 18 years, 7 months ago

looks pretty awesome, i'll tell you that, some tips though. the enemies see you no matter how far away you are. you should try and make a variable that allows them to move when they see you, like

if collision_circle(x,y,320,*the name of the ship object goes here, true, false)
*variable that controls movement and shooting goes here*=1
*variable that controls movement and shooting goes here*=0

and then get all the movement related things outlined with

if *variable that controls movement and shooting goes here*=1

RetroVortex 18 years, 7 months ago

cool I might try that…