A update in life and game...

Posted by RetroVortex on July 21, 2006, 11:27 a.m.

Today was the last day of school for me, so I got 6 weeks of boredom ahead for me. I got No money and no job, so I'll probably be sitting here for 6 weeks…

anyway back to the point:

I've worked on PILOT once more. This time I've corrected some bugs like some specials not working.

The major change to what I've done is I've dramatically altered the ships so that they are more balanced…

The only thing I have to do now is make some more interesting types of enemies, levels and possibly bosses, before I reach a demo… If you have any suggestions to level ideas ect, I'll be glad to hear about them…

I've decided to put a riddle on the bottom so it will make this more interesting:

Todays riddle:

I am here, there and everywhere,

In the darkest caves, and the brightest buildings,

you need me to live.

You live with me,

you tremble when you hear me roar with the wind,

when I crash against you're structures.

I am you're greatest freind,

but you're worst enemy,

what am I…

(this is really easy by the way…)

People who have solved my riddles:



RetroVortex 18 years, 7 months ago

Yes you got it its water!!

well done..

I'll make the next one harder so you'll have to really put your thinking cap on!!

umm. showering is ok…

chicklet 18 years, 7 months ago

ha ha!

oh admit it:)

you love the water….

and what did i win???

RetroVortex 18 years, 7 months ago

Ummm… uhhh…

I'll add you to a list of winners

yeah.. that will do…

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 7 months ago

Dammit, chicklet beat me to it. From the first line I knew exactly what it was. [:(]

RetroVortex 18 years, 7 months ago

too bad…

well, there will be other oppertunities…