Vortex Blog UNO

Posted by RetroVortex on July 23, 2006, 4:55 a.m.

Okay sorry about the title, I was bored. Anyway here's the lowdown of what I've been up to today:

- Fixed the ai in the game, ( the basic enemies stop moving when you're really close to them, which means you don't get stuck..)

- Created a new enemy which is basically an upgrade of the basic green ones.

These enemies hurt to touch, and when you get close to them, they actually speed up a bit, so you have to get you distance, also they have lager health and are faster than their predecessors.

So when I release a new demo I'll add this enemy to really challenge you…

- also on todays agenda I'm on my first day of the summer holiday so that means that PILOT will be updated more thouroughly and there shold be less bugs in the next demo…

- created another mission called: 'CRASHING THE PARTY' (basically destroy asteriods, but there are loads of enemies in the level)

EDIT: - everything seems to be working fine so you may get to see a demo soon, which will be loads better than the last one!! (it will only have one extra level, but it will have better ai, so no more getting stuck!!)

Today's riddle:

I am useful to you sometimes,

I come in colours from brown to lime,

And sometimes I take up you're time,

when you have to fix me.

They say the pen is mightier than the sword,

Or so thats how the saying goes,

But without me there would be no pen,

so really I am mightier then…

What am I?

(this one should be easy because Imade it up in 5 minuites…)

(by the way if you hadn't noticed I actually make these riddles up myself so they shouldn't be too difficult…)

People who have solved my riddles:


Edit 2: I've decided I'm going to submit this version to 64Digits. I believe its time to show you how much better this game is to the first demo…


I have a 64mb memory card for my N-GAGE..

That might not seem much but I currently have this on my phone:

- 50 s60 games

- 58 EEmame roms

- 12 GB roms (good ones like Warioland 2)

- 39 nes roms

- 8 ebooks

- A MP3 player and 3 mp3s

For 64 mb I'd say thats alot!! I mean 158 games!!


chicklet 18 years, 7 months ago


you actually made a list! :)

ha ha!

i'd like to thank… me:D


is it your eyes?


my summer after summer session

starts next week which is REALLY great…

by the way,

do you know why theres a red square under my picture when i leave comments?

RetroVortex 18 years, 7 months ago

No its not eyes..

and I think you have a level1 warn…

chicklet 18 years, 7 months ago


i havent done anything especially bad…

how long till it goes away?

is it….

uh… finger nails?