I strike back. (free card game here)

Posted by RetroVortex on July 27, 2006, 12:29 a.m.

Yes I have.. but not in the usual sense..

I got bored yeasterday so I started experimenting with g-java and I came up with something quite good. G-java is not very flexible and lacks really needed things like instance create, but it can do some neat stuff. (I don't know if this is in v1.07 because 1.07 doesn't work on my pc (only v1.o6 does)

I'm going to upload it here and put it here for you guys to try:

heres the download link (double click the java file to run it, must have java installed though…)


or you can play it directly from the web here:


EDIT: today I got bored and just invented a new playing card game. I call it: 3 card Trump, and its a blend of various different card games and it involves a lot of luck and strategy… I might show it to you sometime, (that is if I remember it and can decypher my scribblings into a instruction manual, and if people actually find it fun that is..)

also it involves a element of rock, paper, scissors to make it more interesing.

EDIT 2: Hey, I've finished writing up the game for you guys, the download link is here:


(its a memory freindly word document, only 6kb download!!)

Web version:



THis is the picture that has dissappeared from the web version (I'd open pages up because this diagram is quite useful)

EDIT 3: If I was good enough at Gm, I would make this card game into a real GM game. Now that would be cool!! (:D)


shadowstrike32 18 years, 7 months ago

Its pretty cool to actually see g-java do something